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[[File:caip_8519.jpg|frame|And he dances, too.]]
{{quote|''"When a girl has a heart of stone, there's only one way to melt it. [[You Fail Physics Forever|Just add ice]]."''}}
A very strange 1991 film starring [[Vanilla Ice]].
[[File:caip_8519.jpg|frame|And he dances, too.]]
A very strange 1991 film starring [[Vanilla Ice]].
In it, Ice is the leader of a biker gang who falls in love with a pretty honors student. Her family is in hiding from [[Obviously Evil|bad guys]] (don't expect this to be adequately explained). Her father assumes Ice is one of them just because... well, just because he ''is'' Vanilla Ice, basically. But Ice eventually saves the day and all is well in the end.
Oh, and Naomi Campbell makes a cameo in the opening credits.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Yup yup."
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: The noisy machinery at the construction site. Don't expect this to make sense.