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* The ''[[Arthur (animation)|Arthur]]'' writer, Marc Brown, has put the names of his children in several places that need text. And some that don't.
* An in-story example: The [[Gordon Korman]] novel ''Son of Interflux'' has an art student who always includes a camel in his paintings, no matter what it's a painting of. His teacher finds it immensely irritating.
* [[Robert A. Heinlein]], ''again'' (the man had trouble keeping himself out of his books, clearly)
** ''[[Starship Troopers (novel)|Starship Troopers]]'' is one of the oft-most cited literary examples, with almost all of the authority figures in the main character's life having [[Author Filibuster|page long monologues that consist of Heinlein's own philosophies]], such as his views on nuclear weapons, the military, and matters of national defense -- at least, at that time (his political views changed drastically over the years). ''The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress'' and even ''Stranger In A Strange Land'' also feature such monologues.
** See his entry in [[Food Porn]].
** He also seemed to be a spanko. Many of his books includes scenes where a man spanks a woman.
** See his page here for a list of character types which can be considered his "trademarks".
* [[H.P. Lovecraft]]: He had a list of phobias as long as your arm. His xenophobia (see "the Horror at Red Hook"), fear of the ocean, and reported fish allergy contributed to his fear of the alien and the aquatic. He seemed to have a thing about tentacles, finding them more or less the embodiment of all that is disgusting. He was a racist, hating pretty much everyone who wasn't a white Englishman, holding even English-Americans in contempt. His stories contain no strong female characters, and sexuality is always horrifying in his work, but he could describe a building more lovingly than Shakespeare describing his Fair Lord. However, while the "Lovecraft as asexual weirdo" idea is so ingrained, it may be surprising to learn that he was married for a time, and while it didn't last, his wife was explicitly quoted saying yes, they had sex, and yes, he was "adequately excellent" at it.
** He would also faint if the temperature would drop too much (cf. ''Cool Air'') and he loved cats.
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* [[Spider Robinson]] is a huge fan of [[Robert Heinlein]], and one of Heinlein's most ardent defenders. Needless to say, there are many similarities between Heinlein's work and Robinson's, particularly involving individual liberty, free love, and [[Shaggy Dog Story|shaggy dog stories]] ending in [[Incredibly Lame Pun|truly terrible puns]]. This is most evident in the ''Callahan's Place'' series and its various spinoffs.
* [[Peter David]] has a number of these. Many of his ''[[Star Trek]]'' books at least once mention Alexander the Great, for instance.
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