Crime Reconstruction: Difference between revisions

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See also [[Dramatization]].
=== Straight Examples ===
* ''[[America's Most Wanted]]''
* ''[[Americas Dumbest Criminals]]'' makes use of goofy ones, usually exaggerating how dumb the criminal was in the process.
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* The [[Game Show]] ''Murder'', where they recreate an actual murder scene, complete with blood-spatter and what-have-you, and then two bunches of CSI-wannabes have to try and work out who did it. And then they're told how the murder actually took place. With fictional crime scenes, this would be a great idea for a show. With real ones, it's kind of gross.
=== Fictional Examples ===
=== Comic books ===
== Comic books ==
* In the first arc of ''[[Fables]]'', Bigby has Flycatcher recreate the ''result'' of the crime scene to test his theory that {{spoiler|there's more blood in the room than in the body of one person.}}
* The Little Thief is designed to do this in ''[[Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth]]''. Inputting accurate evidence into it will provide the details of the crime.
* The ''[[Sin City]]'' story ''Family Values'' has the main characters reconstructing a murder scene, gradually putting the pieces together over the course of the story.
=== Film ===
* ''[[The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed]]'' has an interesting subversion - the good guys Mole convinces the bad guys that their [[The Dragon|dragon]] can be rescued while he reconstructs a crime "on location". This is in fact a part of a desperate [[Xanatos Gambit]] on his part.
=== Literature ===
* In Wilkie Collins' book ''[[The Moonstone]]'' and the TV adaptation a doctor sets up a reconstruction of a diamond theft in which the thief unknowingly stole the stone while semi-conscious having had his drink spiked with laudanum and being already worried that the diamond wasn't safe. The circumstances are recreated by him taking laudanum again and giving up smoking which had already done on the first occasion. The reconstruction is successful and he steals the stone again (this time a dummy) while sleepwalking and talking to himself feverishly about the diamond needing to be be secure. At the time of the original theft, he puts the stone in his bedside cabinet whereupon it is stolen by the real thief who has witnessed him take it.
* In the ''[[Sherlock Holmes (novel)|Sherlock Holmes]]'' story The Problem of Thor Bridge, Holmes reconstructs the death of the victim in order to show how she committed suicide and arranged for the gun to fall away from her and into the water to make it look like murder. She had already planted an identical gun in the belongings of the person she wanted to implicate.
=== Live Action TV ===
* In ''[[Jonathan Creek]]'', Carla's news show does this and like pretty much every endeavor she is involved in, Jonathan (and presumably the writers as well) consider it in extremely poor taste.
* ''[[Drake and Josh]]'' has an episode where the movie theatre Josh works at is hired as a setting for one of these, Josh gets hired to play the role of the criminal "the theater thug". He spends the rest of the episode being constantly arrested because the people who watched the show keep identifying him as the ''real'' theater thug.
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* Played for laughs (Just like everything else) in an episode of ''[[Police Squad!]]''. The gun they're using to reenact the killing is loaded, so the forensics team takes a lot of casualties as they try to reproduce the conditions in which the murder took place.
=== Western Animation ===
* Subverted in episodes of ''[[Doug]]'', where the reenacting is polemic and quite different from the incident it supposedly represents.