Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Difference between revisions

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** Dan's best friend, and the other half of the title, Mab, also qualifies, though for different reasons. She generally seems innocent-to-downright-nuts, with her main hobby being 'hugging things', feared mostly for her nightmare-inducing brownies...however, she IS a Fae, and resultingly, has god-level magical abilities - and when forced to use them, she can frighten ANYONE into submission - and then go right back to her perky, airheaded self again. {{spoiler|Also, it turns out she's actually a [[Magnificent Bastard]] above all other [[Magnificent Bastard]]s, plotting out everything, including the path that the [[Omniscient Council of Vagueness]] will take, in order to create the best possible future. She knows who will live and who will die.}} She just doesn't know how to bake.
*** By extension, this applies to pretty much the entire Fae race - Mab is merely the one most often found mixed up in the main plot. Being superdimentional beings of pure magic and/or insanity will do that to a race.
* Subverted in ''[[The Adventures of Dr. McNinja]]'' as he is more of a [ Crouching Badass Hidden Moron]{{broken link}}.
* Hod from ''[[Brat Halla]]'' is one of these after he [[Took a Level in Badass]]. His brothers have a thing for it as well tough. And his father. And his mother. And his back-up dad...
* Stanley the Tool from ''[[Erfworld]]'', who on first appearance seems more concerned with the fact his [[MacGuffin]] turns walnuts into pigeons when cracked than the impending destruction of his forces. [ Then he decks Chief Warlord Caeser in one hit].