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* Egypt from ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]'' is often mistaken as one by other nations, since he's very quiet. (Which is illogical to anyone who's studied the history of the country, but there you go...)
* ''[[Potemayo]]'''s vocabulary mainly consists of "Honi, honi", but she picks up a few words as the series progresses. This is better than Guchuko, who can't form words.
* Fujino from the H-manga and anime ''[[Hatsu Inu]]'' ''[[Strange Kind Ofof Woman]]'' is a bit of a subversion of this trope in that she isn't mute, nor particularly shy, just strangely quiet by nature. Parts of the manga delve into how difficult it is to have a relationship with her given how quiet she is, but given that she's a full-blown [[Really Gets Around|nymphomaniac]] too, it quickly becomes a moot point. It doesn't stop her from being [[Memetic Sex Goddess|insanely]] [[Moe Moe|adorable]], though.
* Nill from ''[[DOGS Bullets and Carnage]]''. Her being mute is the result of being genetically engineered tp have features attractive to fetishists for the purpose of prostitution (her pair of tiny wings), but the method to engineer such things is inexact and often leaves the subjects missing something (in her case, her voice).
* Saya from ''[[Peacemaker Kurogane]]''.
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* Keria from ''[[Harvest Moon]] DS (and DS [[Distaff Counterpart|Cute]])'' is mute. She communicates by writing messages on a sign (in the English version, she writes in [[Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe]]). However, one event between her and the [[Cute Witch|Witch Princess]] lets her speak briefly; in his [[Internal Monologue]], the hero remarks, "It's nice to know Keira talks like that."
* Pleinair, the mascot of the artist from the ''[[Disgaea]]'' (and most other [[Nippon Ichi]]) games.
* Meute the mermaid from ''[[Riviera: theThe Promised Land]]''.
* Astral in ''[[Ghost Hunter]]''. Lovely astral form dressed only in a thin sheet.
* In ''[[Mitsumete Knight]]'', {{spoiler|Sophia}} gets hit hard by this trope near the end of the game, as {{spoiler|she suffers a psychological trauma caused by being in the middle of the [[Bomb-Throwing Anarchists|terrorist bombing]] of the Theater}}. She can get partially better if the Asian stays by her side and visits her each week-end at the Hospital : she'll then get her voice back, but won't be able to sing as her voice is too rough and low. {{spoiler|But if you manage to get her Happy Ending after that, she shows signs that she'll fully recover, [[The Power of Love|as she manages to]] [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|sing beautifully for him]]}}.