• The 2001 series has the best fight scenes of all the Cyborg 009 media.
    • Seriously, from the getgo in episode one, you KNOW it's going to be an awesome series from the FIGHTS ALONE!
  • The "Attack of the Gods" arc with the fake Greek gods was totally awesome.
  • 009 vs 0010 and 0010!
  • When 004 battles a robot replica of himself, they fight so intensely that the difference can't be seen between the two but when the robot prepares to destroy an innocent bird's nest, 004 saves it proving that he is a human and not a machine. Also a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming.
  • 003 gets hers when she almost singlehandedly hijacks a plane to stop some mafia groups from releasing a deadly virus. Defeating several guards without spilling a single drop fo blood and disarming the bomb on her own? A-we-so-me.
  • GB aka 007 gets a massive one when he uses his powers grow MANY times his size to protect himself, 006 and 009 from a stampede of cybernatically-enhanced animals.