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* [[Blaxploitation]] in [[The Seventies]].
* The success of ''[[Queer Eye For The Straight Guy]]'' gave us a period of infatuation with "[[Where Everybody Knows Your Flame|gay culture]]" (in other words, every [[Stereotype Gay|gay stereotype]] possible). This period even gave us "metrosexuals", men who, [[Ambiguously Gay|despite not actually being gay]], [[Camp Straight|spoke, dressed, and acted as much like flaming queens]] as possible. It also led to the ridiculous replacement of ''fop'' with this neologism; a literal reading of the word would mean either "one who is sexually attracted to moderation", "one who is sexually attracted to cities", "[[Oedipus Rex|one who is sexually attracted to mothers]]", or possibly "one who is sexually attracted to a subway system"... [[Rule Thirty Six|not that those things don't exist.]]
* The post-[[World War II]] villains ''du jour'' in American media have been: Sinister Russian [[Dirty Communists|Commies]] during the postwar period, Sinister Muslim [[Arab Oil Sheik|Oil Barons]] during the energy crises of [[The Seventies]], Sinister Russians again during [[The Eighties]] and [[The Nineties]] (with [[The New Russia|a transition]] from commies to [[The Mafiya|gangsters and arms dealers]] after [[The Great Politics Mess -Up|around 1990]]), and Sinister Muslim Terrorists during [[The War On Terror]]. [[Vladimir Putin]] is alleged to be working hard to maintain the cycle.
* [[Everythings Funkier With Disco|Disco]]. [[Deader Than Disco|America spent twenty years trying to forget.]]
* [[Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting|Kung-fu]]. That is all.
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* American interest in ancient Egypt peaked with both the discovery of King Tutankhamen's tomb in the 1920's and the touring exhibit of his relics in the 1970's.
** The relics are on another exhibition tour now. Whether this will spark another such fad remains to be seen.
** In the early XIXth century, [[Napoleon Bonaparte]]'s Egypt campaigns and the subsequent popularisation of ancient Egyptian culture also generated a fad for [http://en.[ Revival|all things]] [http://en.[ revival decorative arts|pharaonic]].
* ''[[Glee]]'' and ''[[High School Musical]]'' seem to be doing this for glee clubs/choruses.
* [[Anime]] may fit this. Outside of Japan, it was an underground subculture that made its first inroads in the West with ''[[Astro Boy (Anime)|Astro Boy]]'' and ''[[Speed Racer (Anime)|Speed Racer]]'', then percolated in [[The Seventies]] (''[[Star Blazers]]'') and [[The Eighties]] (''[[Robotech]]'') before bursting into mainstream in the mid-1990s, peaking in the early 2000s when 85% of people under 35 watched at least one hour of anime a week. It hasn't faded away completely, but it has declined in popularity since the mid-2000s. Much of this may be due to declining quality as production houses, looking to exploit the new American market, focused on making shows that were either fast and cheap or overly filled with injokes for anime fans.
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