Déjà Vu (video game): Difference between revisions

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* [[Good Old Fisticuffs]]: Your weapon of choice is a punch to the face. Justified, in that he used to be a boxer, prior to the detective gig.
* [[Guide Dang It]]: Due to a rather awful last minute glitch, you'll probably need a guide to determine just what evidence to keep and what to ditch. {{spoiler|Dispose of everything except the diary (motive), the ransom note (method) and the memo with the timetable (collaborates the other two)}}.
** You have to dispose of: {{spoiler|Gun 1, the murder weapon with your fingerprints on it. Map, a fake set of instructions on how to kidnap Mrs. Sternwood. Note 1, a fakean IOU giving you a motive. File 5, a fake proposal for you to carry out the kidnapping in exchange for being let off the IOU. However, the game won't let you dispose of Gun 1 if you haven't used it to shoot open the bungalow, the doctor's cabinet, and the hitman in your office. In the case of the doctor's cabinet, you can actually get stuck if you use a guide: you only need to open the cabinet to find out what medicine to take. If you already know the medicine name, you can just take it and skip that part. But skipping that part means you can't dispose of the gun because the game thinks you need to do it and won't let you dispose of the gun until you do}}.
** In the first game, shooting another person will always result in game over... except for the one time when you have to.
** There is also exactly one lock that can be blown open with a gun. All the others require the correct key.
* [[Hit Flash]]: "BLAM" and "SOCKO".
* [[Invincible Minor Minion]]: There IS no good way to deal with the mugger in the alley. Shoot him, the police will get you. Do anything else, he'll beat you up, take your money and render the game [[Unwinnable]]. Your only options are to avoid that alley entirely, or shoot him, eat the [[Game Over]] and continue.
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* [[Naked on Arrival]]: Sort of: in the second game, you begin with naught but your purple underwear. Fortunately, your clothes are on the bathroom door at the start. Removing all of your clothes in certain areas will either get you kicked out if you are in the hotel, or arrested if you are in public.
* [[Nintendo Hard]]: Less so than ''[[Shadowgate]]'' or ''[[Uninvited]]''. A determined player can conceivably beat this one without ever consulting an FAQ.
* [[Not with the Safety On, You Won't]]: The reason you're relatively safe around the gun -toting mugger. He'll catch on eventually though...
** The gun toting mugger is clearly using a revolver (which lacks a safety), and the game tells you after the third attempt that you're dealing with a bluff artist (though he WILL shoot you the fourth time). The only options that don't result in death are to either punch him (works three times) or give him some money. He'll be happy to leave with just a $20-dollar bill.
* [[Offscreen Teleportation]]: Stogie uses this in the sequel to be SUPREMELY annoying. Run into the desert? Nope, he'll get you. Hop a train out of town? Nope, he'll get you. Basically, if he wants you, he'll magically find you.
* [[Peek-a-Boo Corpse]]: Hi, Joey.
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* [[Ten-Second Flashlight]]: The sequel has one which is used in the bar. Justified, as the game mentions you took poor care of the flashlight, causing the batteries to be corroded, not to mention that the battery technology of the 1940's is a bit poor.
* [[Timed Mission]]: From the beginning of the game, you have a limited number of moves to discover the antidote before the amnesia drug you've been injected with turns you into a drooling vegetable. Once you manage to find the antidote though, you're free to [[Take Your Time]]. In the sequel, you have a limited amount of time to win the game before the Mob makes good their threat to find you and kill you.
** The NES versionand GBC versions removes the time limit. As long as you don't enter your office, the amnesia won't kill you.
* [[Trial and Error Gameplay]]
* [[Unsound Effect]]: "SOCKO".
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