• Alternate Character Interpretation: Any number of characters are ripe for this.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Wilson. This is shown most prominently in his Backstory, which shows how he went from being a nobody to the head of the Triads, and in the arc where Parco tries to get Wilson's gold. Long story short contest: just before the war reached Manhattan, a bank in Chinatown turned all its cash into gold. Wilson took over the gold and hid it, and everyone soon believed the story was just an Urban Myth. Parco believes it though, and sends Matty in to bargain with Wilson for it... and unbeknownst to Matty, he also sends in a strike team at the same time to take the gold. Wilson's security neutralizes the strike team and takes them prisoner. Wilson makes a deal with Matty: he'll give Matty some of the gold, enough for what Parco needs, and all Matty has to do is let Parco believe that's all the gold there is. He winds up turning over as much gold as half a dozen strong men can carry. When Matty asks Wilson if he's sure about giving them so much, Wilson responds with a tight, slightly scary smile, and says "Oh Matty, you have no idea how much gold I really have, do you?"
    • How much gold does Wilson have? Enough to buy tanks and helicopters from the US Army. How much power does he have over Chinatown? Enough that hundreds of people kowtow to him in the streets in unison during a torrential downpour.
  • Moral Event Horizon: In-story, Day 204 was this. Soldiers and probably the US government were starting to feel good about their ability to beat the Free State Army after halting their attempts to take New York. Then a squad with itchy trigger fingers gun down nearly 200 peace protesters and all the momentum and moral superiority is gone in an instant.