Damages: Difference between revisions

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* [[Amoral Attorney]]: Oh, God, yes!
* [[Anachronic Order]]: Every season. An interesting use - each episode reveals two sections of plot, months apart from each other, with the "past" segments telling [[How We Got Here]] and the future ones unfolding the story.
* [[Anyone Can Die]]: If your name isn't Ellen Parsons or Patty Hewes, keep your life insurance premiums current.
** Of the main cast members of the first three seasons only {{spoiler|Ellen, Patty, Wistone or Claire Maddox}} aren't dead or in prison.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Patty Hewes, full stop.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: Joe Tobin in season 3. He starts off as a genuinely nice guy whose world falls apart when his father's corruption is revealed and he even considers cooperating with Patty. Ultimately, he breaks under the pressure, falls off the wagon back to being an alcoholic and does a lot of horrible things to try and protect his family.
** Ray Fiske may also apply. While he is guilty of insider trading he is a [[Boy Scout]] in comparison to Patty and resists Frobisher's attempts to resolve his problems through violence.
* [[Anyone Can Die]]: If your name isn't Ellen Parsons or Patty Hewes, keep your life insurance premiums current.
** Of the main cast members of the first three seasons only {{spoiler|Ellen, Patty, Wistone or Claire Maddox}} aren't dead or in prison.
* [[Arc Words]]: "Trust no one."
* [[Ate His Gun]]: {{spoiler|Ray Fiske does this in front of Patty after she blackmails him near the end of season 1.}}
* [[Badass|Bad Ass Lawyer]]: Say what you will about her methods but Patty Hewes will always get her job done.
* [[Be as Unhelpful as Possible]]
* [[Beard of Evil]]: {{spoiler|Rick Messer}} sports one of these.
* [[Be as Unhelpful as Possible]]
* [[Big Bad]]: Arthur Frobisher in season 1. Pell and Tobin for seasons 2 and 3 respectively.
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: Season 3's finale for sure. {{spoiler|Former [[Karma Houdini]] Arthur Frobisher}} finally gets arrested for some of his crimes, but at the cost of {{spoiler|Wes}} turning himself in for his part in them. The main case is solved but only after Tobin has {{spoiler|murdered Tom}}, Tobin's mother has committed suicide and [[Karma Houdini|Winstone]] has managed to escape with a lot of the Tobins' money. On top of all that Patty's son tries to kill her after she has his girlfriend sent to prison for statutory rape and its revealed through flashbacks that {{spoiler|Patty's deceased daughter was killed in the womb via intentional miscarriage, due to Patty putting her career first over motherhood}}. Ellen asks Patty if everything she's done for her career is worth it to which Patty doesn't reply.
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* [[Break the Cutie]]: The entire first season is one of these for Ellen Parsons.
** Season four has that for Chris, Ellen's love interest.
* [[Broken Bird]]: Ellen by the end of season 1, and it's heavily hinted that Patty has this in her backstory.
* [[Bungled Suicide]]: {{spoiler|(Season 2) Uncle Pete attempts to kill himself rather than help the FBI against Patty. Patrick finishes the job after Pete wakes from his coma.}}
* [[Bury Your Gays]]: {{spoiler|Happens in season 1 to Ray Fiske.}}
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Arguably Tom Shayes. He is one of the few characters in the series with black and white morals and he gets little to no respect for it. {{spoiler|He even gets [[Killed Off for Real]] in Season 3!}}
* [[Broken Bird]]: Ellen by the end of season 1, and it's heavily hinted that Patty has this in her backstory.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: The phone calls one of the FBI agents in season 2 keeps on getting and says are from his wife actually end up being important.
* [[Cleanup Crew]]: Uncle Pete calls one in to {{spoiler|get rid of the evidence that someone attacked Ellen}}.
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* [[Family Values Villain]]: Frobisher, [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope|at first]].
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]: Dave Pell.
* [[Foregone Conclusion]]: In Season 3, you know via a [[Flash Forward]] in the first episode that {{spoiler|Tom Shayes is going to die}}. Doesn't make the scene itself any less heartbreaking though.
* [[Flashback Effects]]: Used to show shifts between the present and future timelines. The ''removal'' of the effects is used to great effect, showing the present catching up to the future and the conclusion of the story.
* [[Foregone Conclusion]]: In Season 3, you know via a [[Flash Forward]] in the first episode that {{spoiler|Tom Shayes is going to die}}. Doesn't make the scene itself any less heartbreaking though.
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: Define "good".
* [[Guilt Ridden Accomplice]]: Arthur Frobisher's Achilles' heel.
* [[Heel Face Revolving Door]]: {{spoiler|Frobisher.}}
* [[It's All About Me]]: Both Patty and the show's villains are [[Death Note|childish and hate to lose]].
** Season four takes the cake with Jerry Boorman; a corrupt CIA Agent who has gleefully broken EVERY law imaginable, all in the name of ensuring no one can out him for the laws he has broken part of the "War on Terror". Seven episodes into the season, pretty much EVERY act of murder or violence can be linked to Boorman, either directly or through him forcing his cohort, Howard Erickson, into doing it under threat that if he doesn't and Boorman gets busted, that he will take Erickson down with him.
* [[He Knows Too Much]]: Chris in season four
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: {{spoiler|Ray Fiske.}} {{spoiler|[[Subverted Trope|Subverted]]. He decides to kill himself instead.}}
** Also {{spoiler|Wes in season 2.}}
* [[He Knows Too Much]]: Chris in season four
* [[Heel Face Revolving Door]]: {{spoiler|Frobisher.}}
* [[Hijacked by Ganon]]: In season 1. The one behind the blackmail of {{spoiler|Gregory Malina}}? {{spoiler|Frobisher.}} The one who put a hits on {{spoiler|George More}} and {{spoiler|David}} respectively? {{spoiler|Frobisher.}}
* [[Hitman with a Heart]]: {{spoiler|Wes Krulick}}.
* [[How We Got Here]]: Each season had numerous [[Flash Forward|flash forwards]] throughout, but you're not given the full context until the very end.
* [[Idiosyncratic Episode Naming]]: Each episode is named after a line of dialogue spoken by a character in said episode.
* [[Incompatible Orientation]]: {{spoiler|Ray Fiske}} in regards to Gregory Malina.
* [[Idiosyncratic Episode Naming]]: Each episode is named after a line of dialogue spoken by a character in said episode.
* [[Instant Mystery, Just Delete Scene]]: The show ''loves'' this trope.
* [[Insult Backfire]]: Walter Kendrick is being told to "Go to hell". His response?
{{quote|''I probably will. But while I'm here no one's gonna take away my goddamn company.''}}
* [[Invisible to Gaydar]]: Ray Fiske.
** He seems to genuinely love his wife, so it may be [[If It's You It's Okay]] or [[Bi the Way]]. {{spoiler|He doesn't live long enough to make it clear.}}
* [[Ironic Echo]]: "Because I know Patty..."
* [[Iron Lady]]: Patty Hewes, oh so very much.
* [[It's All About Me]]: Both Patty and the show's villains are [[Death Note|childish and hate to lose]].
** Season four takes the cake with Jerry Boorman; a corrupt CIA Agent who has gleefully broken EVERY law imaginable, all in the name of ensuring no one can out him for the laws he has broken part of the "War on Terror". Seven episodes into the season, pretty much EVERY act of murder or violence can be linked to Boorman, either directly or through him forcing his cohort, Howard Erickson, into doing it under threat that if he doesn't and Boorman gets busted, that he will take Erickson down with him.
* [[It Was Here, I Swear]]: When Ellen Parsons sends detectives to Patty's apartment looking for the man who attacked her, the body, the blood, and the broken window are all gone, and the place is (almost) spotless.
* [[I Was Quite a Looker]]: Marilyn Tobin murmurs something along those lines to herself in the season 3 finale,{{spoiler|right before she commits suicide}}.
* [[Jerkass]]: Arthur Frobisher, who continues to see himself as [[The Woobie]]. It apparently does not even enter his mind that he has actually done some very bad things, and has therefore earned the bad things that keep happening as a result.
* [[Justice by Other Legal Means]]: Patty Hewes steps in where law enforcement has failed.
* [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]]: Frobisher does so with gusto once he gets past his conscience. He starts out as a [[Family Values Villain]] and goes downhill rapidly.
* [[Justice by Other Legal Means]]: Patty Hewes steps in where law enforcement has failed.
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: Everyone the show kills off is actually dead, although some keep coming back in dreams and flashbacks.
* [[The Killer Becomes the Killed]]: The ultimate fate of {{spoiler|Rick Messer}}.
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* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[The Mole]]: {{spoiler|Wes}}
* [[Motive Misidentification]]
* [[Morality Pet]]: Frobisher and Patty's sons.
** Howard Erickson and his kids as well
* [[Motive Misidentification]]
* [[Murder Is the Best Solution]]: This is {{spoiler|Jerry Boorman}}'s philosophy, as well as {{spoiler|Rick Messer's}}.
* [[Naive Newcomer]]: Combined with [[Break the Cutie]] in season 1 with Ellen Parsons.
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* [[Nice Guy]]: Tom Shayes.
* [[No Name Given]]: Many, many characters, some important, some not. Most get names eventually, but even then, the credits continue to refer to them as "Bearded Man" or "Pockmarked Man."
* [[Not So Stoic]]: Patty Hewes, just not in front of anybody else.
* [[Not Quite Dead]]: At the end of season 1, {{spoiler|Ellen assumes that she killed the attacker in Patty's home, but he actually survived.}}
* [[Not So Stoic]]: Patty Hewes, just not in front of anybody else.
* [[Oh Crap]]: {{spoiler|Rick Messer}}'s last word, as he sees {{spoiler|Wes}} in his rearview mirror, hiding in the back of his car. {{spoiler|With a gun.}}
{{quote|''' {{spoiler|Messer}}''': ...shit.}}
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* [[Stalker with a Crush]]: Lila. Doubles as [[Clingy Jealous Girl]], and {{spoiler|subverts [[Ax Crazy]]}}.
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Ellen became this after her fiance's murder in season 1 in order to keep working for Patty. {{spoiler|In fact this was noted by the FBI who persuaded her to help them bring Patty down}}.
* [[Invisible to Gaydar]]: Ray Fiske.
** He seems to genuinely love his wife, so it may be [[If It's You It's Okay]] or [[Bi the Way]]. {{spoiler|He doesn't live long enough to make it clear.}}
* [[Strange Bedfellows]] : {{spoiler|Frobisher helps Patty to start the case against Kendrick in season 2}}
* [[Strictly Formula]]: There's a [[White Collar Crime]] case, there's a 3 months later [[Flash Forward]] story usually involving one of our heroes in danger or possibly even dead, the audience follows the bread crumbs, there's twists, people die, Patty and Ellen win the case while losing something personal in the process, the season's film actor bad guys die or go to jail, roll credits.
* [[Stuffed Into the Fridge]]: David.
* [[Supporting Protagonist]]: Ellen is arguably this. While Patty is the central character most of the show is focused on Ellen's [[Character Development]] as a result of being involved in Patty's world.
* [[Suspect Existence Failure]]
* [[Suspiciously Idle Officers]]: {{spoiler|Detective Rick Messer}}, big time. Does he even ''have'' any actual duties? In Season 2, this is justified for the {{spoiler|FBI agent on Dave Pell's payroll}}, because it's explained that his supervisor is in on the conspiracy.
* [[Supporting Protagonist]]: Ellen is arguably this. While Patty is the central character most of the show is focused on Ellen's [[Character Development]] as a result of being involved in Patty's world.
* [[Throwing the Fight]]: Patty occasionally does this, in order to get her opponents to tip their hand.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Ellen.
* [[Twist Ending]]: Several plot threads seem to point to one solution then out of the blue will head for another, completely unexpected resolution. One of the reasons why critics loved it.
* [[Uncancelled]]: F/X had canceled ''[[Damages]]'' before [[Direc TV]] came to the rescue.
* [[Ugly Guys Hot Daughter]]: With inverted gender roles for Patty Hewes and her son.
* [[The Un-Reveal]]: The contents of David's wedding gift to Ellen.