Danganronpa (video game)/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** The various differences in each translation, between the Let's Play, the fan translation, and the official localization. It's nigh-impossible to find people agreeing on which is better.
* [[Crazy Awesome]]/[[Love to Hate]]: The real Junko Enoshima.
* [[Critical Research Failure]]: In Case 2, you need to play Hangman's Gambit to prove that Toko has a split personality. However, you need to input "schizo". Schizophrenia is decidedly different from Dissociative Identity Disorder, which she ACTUALLY has and which the game correctly states before the trial starts.
** In all fairness, the term may have been used to make the puzzle more fair. As it's the second case in the game, an answer as long as "split personality" would have likely been too long, while using an acronym like DID would have been far too short. "Schizo", while technically incorrect, is still used to refer to people with split personalities fairly often. It's likely the developers knew the difference though, as the puzzle is the only time "schizo" is used, with characters saying either split personality or DID in all other instances.
* [[Crowning Music of Awesome]]: Pretty much every track qualifies, as the music was done by Masafumi Takada (of [[No More Heroes]] and [[God Hand]]), but [http://tindeck.com/listen/shil Monokuma's theme] is consistently a fan favorite.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: If the [[Let's Play]] polls are anything to go by, {{spoiler|Genocider Syo}} is very popular with fans. Sakura, too.