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It is [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]] and Australia has stagnated to a state roughly akin to that in the first ''[[Mad Max]]'' movie, with dingy slums covered in graffiti and gangs of marauding "car boys" scraping by via stealing car parts. Crabs (Ned Manning) is a teenager who is an avid jogger. He convinces his older brother Frank to lend him his '56 Chevy for a date with his girlfriend Carmen (Natalie McCurry). The two go to a [[Drive-In Theater]] where they're playing Brian Trenchard-Smith's own other movies, and start to make out... only for the car's wheels to get stolen. The theater's attendant refuses to do anything until morning, so the two are forced to stay at the drive-in overnight. Come said morning, Crabs finds the place alive and resembling a ghetto. He goes to the attendant, only to be informed that he, Carmen and 190 more of society's teen delinquents are to be imprisoned at the drive-in by the government until further notice. Whereas all the other kids, including Carmen herself, seem all too content to remain at the drive-in forever placated by the limitless supply of junk food and violent movies, Crabs ain't, and he starts scheming to escape...
=== ''[[Dead End Drive-In]]'' provides examples of: ===
* [[Affably Evil]]: The theater attendant.
* {{spoiler|[[Bittersweet Ending]]: Crabs manages to escape the prison, but the outside world is still a hellhole, and possibly getting worse}}.