Death to the French: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass Normal]]: Dodd is just a rifleman and does feats many a guerilla leader would be proud of.
* [[Battle Cry]]: Downplayed. "Death to the French" (in Portuguese) is sort of like one. But no one yells it out. [[Combat Pragmatism|It gives away ones position]].
* [[Cold Sniper]]: Dodd is unemotional and very much unaffected by the shocking things he sees and sometimes does. And yes he is a sniper though they did not call them that then.
* [[Consummate Professional]]: War is Dodd's calling and he knows no other.
* [[Cycle of Revenge]]: Both the French and the Port.uguese have this horrifically and neither worries about [[The Laws and Customs of War]].
* [[The Duke of Wellington]]: The British general.
* [[Easy Logistics]]: Inverted. The book revolves around logistics. The sooner the French starve the sooner they leave.
* [[Humble Hero]]: Dodd's main goal is to get back to his comrades and he does not realize that he is a hero.
* [[Instant Death Bullet]]: Averted and played straight. Some characters who have taken what should be horrifically fatal wound continue on. Others are done in one shot.
* [[Irony]]: Dodd manages to personally destroy much of the French bridging equipment just before the order comes down from French headquarters that it is time to retreat and anything the British might capture has to be destroyed anyway. When Dodd sees the French retreating he thinks he caused the event. Oddly enough [[Humble Hero|He doesn't give himself airs]].
* [[La Résistance]]: Portuguese Guerillas. Dodd joins up with locals to assault the French while trapped behind enemy lines.
* [[Napoleon Bonaparte]]: The leader of the French forces.
* [[No One Left Behind]]: Averted leading to Dodd's seperation from his unit and subsequent adventures that result from him trying to rejoin them.
* [[Rape, Pillage and Burn]]: The French regularly do this.
* [[The Red Baron]]: The French call Dodd ''The Green Englishman'' as if there were no others (that was the normal dress of riflemen).
* [[Silver Bullet]]: The French soldiers whom Dodd is facing mold silver bullets. They believe Dodd is a supernatural entity and can be defeated only with the use of silver bulelts.
* [[Sniper Rifle]]: Dodd's rifle. All military rifles were sniper rifles back then.
* [[Tactical Withdrawal]]: The British are withdrawing to the lines of Torres Vedras. This results in Dodd being accidentally left behind to fend for himself.
* [[The Revolution Will Not Be Civilised]]: Portuguese love torturing Frenchmen who are separated from the main army.
* [[Token Good Teammate]]: Dodd is a [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]] in some ways but he comes from a disciplined army and in the guerilla type of war he is the only halfway decent character.
* [[Trapped Behind Enemy Lines]]
* [[War Is Hell]]: No kidding.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: The Baker Rifle