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The villains have cornered one of the good guys in his private chamber; there is no escape, and he is promptly killed, preferably in the [[Dropped a Bridge on Him|most anticlimactic way possible]]. Alternatively, the good guy is seen entering or exiting his preferred kind of transport, and then... boom! Turns out the bad guys planted a bomb, and he goes down, leaving no doubt that [[No One Could Survive That]].
But not so fast! The entire thing is just a distraction, and the ''real'' good guy is [[Not Quite Dead]].
Sometimes bad guys leave behind decoys or [[Body Double|Body Doubles]] as well, but usually they don't bother, as they can nearly always pull a [[Villain Exit Stage Left]]. In a hurry, a character might give a distinctive piece of clothing to someone nearby, evading capture as the pursuers take on the lookalike.
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== Anime & Manga ==
* ''[[Mai-HiME]]'' is an example of the first variation.
* In the climax of ''[[Samurai 7]]'', the emperor attempts to use his fellow clones to escape the samurai.
* Captain Kuro did this in ''[[One Piece]]'', leaving one of his lackeys, hypnotised and in Kuros clothes to the sole survivor of a marine fleet. Said marine would become one of the first villains.
** Igaram would also serve as a decoy for Princess Vivi Nefertari from time to time, despite bearing no resemblance to her whatsoever.
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== Comics ==
* One of the favorite tactics of [[Fantastic Four (Comic Book)|Dr. Doom]] in the [[Marvel Universe]]. To the extent where the use of 'Doombots' to justify/retcon his defeats at the hands of unworthy characters has become something of a running gag...the thing with [[Squirrel Girl]], though, that really happened.
** In [[Ultimate Marvel]], Doctor Doom, being a very different character, didn't use this until ''{{spoiler|Ultimate Power}}'', which was kind of ridiculous (for [[Hijacked by Ganon|other reasons]] as well). However, his interest in remotely-controlled robotics was always a part of his character, so at least there's that.
* The [[Body Double|LMD]] (Life Model Decoys) is a mechanical duplicate of a person. The LMD is a favorite of S.H.I.E.L.D., particularlly Nick Fury, who rivals Dr. Doom!
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* In one ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'' graphic novel, Sylar gives his hat and coat to a tramp so that the FBI agents following him would go after the tramp, letting Sylar get away.
* This is the [[Retcon]] used to explain away the first death of Monsieur Mallah and the the Brain when they first (re)appeared in ''[[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|Teen Titans]]''.
* ''WILDC.A.T.S.'' from Alan Moore's era. Don't imprison the brainwashing super-genius in the cell next to the shapeshifter. It's not going to end sanely.
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* The Master used this technique to escape in several ''[[Doctor Who]]'' serials, notably in "Terror of the Autons", in which he hypnotized one of his lackeys, dressed the lackey up in his clothing, and sent him out to run away. While the others were distracted, the real Master slipped away.
** ''The Wedding of River Song'' - The Doctor has to be shot dead by an astronaut by the lakes of Utah on April 22, 2011, 5.02pm. Who says it can't be a shape-shifting robot disgused as the Doctor?
* In a sketch on ''[[The Fast Show]]'', a king is told by an advisor that barbarians are at the gate, and they'll soon break into the palace to kill the king. The king then points out that his adviser looks rather kingly, gives him his throne and crown, and runs out very quickly.
* Invoked and Subverted in the first season of ''[[Legend of the Seeker]]''. [[Big Bad|Darken Rahl]] is on his way to a specific castle. Richard And Kahlan camp along the route he's likely to take there, planning to snipe him with a crossbow as he passes. {{spoiler|As Rahl approaches, Richard notes that his hands are tied to his mount, and immediately deduces it was a decoy. The real Darken Rahl was already at the castle.}} Interestingly, the decoy gets a [[Day in The Limelight]] in the season two episode {{spoiler|Walter}}
* On ''[[Kamen Rider Double]]'', the Ice Age dopant somehow created an "ice copy" of itself which the pursuing Kamen Rider {{spoiler|Accel}} was following [[Incredibly Lame Pun|hotly]], believing it to be the real deal. When he whipped out his [[Finishing Move|Maximum Drive]] against the decoy, he was in for a disappointment.
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== Web Original ==
* {{spoiler|Echo}} in ''[[ThaliasThalia's Musings]]''. {{spoiler|Pan creates a doppelganger to help her fake her death.}}
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* In ''[[Batman Beyond]]'', Terry gives his jacket to a homeless man as he leaves the subway, in order to distract The Stalker.
* In ''[[Men in Black (animation)|Men in Black]] The Series'', the very first episode. Kay gets kidnapped and cooked by aliens. He then re-appears and says that an old friend changed places with him (we then see his friend escaping from the aliens sound and safe). It was impossible for him to have changed places with his decoy, lampshaded by Jay asking WHEN did he get the time to use the decoy. The question was ([[Rule of Fun|of course]]) left unanswered.
* In the ''[[G.I. Joe]]'' episode "The Spy Who Rooked Me", some Joes and a [[James Bond]]-esque agent are assigned to deliver a vial of extremely deadly nerve gas to a special facility for proper disposal. Naturally, COBRA sends troops after them to steal the vial. At the end of the episode, Dr. Mindbender takes the vial, but it breaks. Just as Flint prepares to do a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] to give the others time to get away, the agent smugly explains that the vial contains soda, and they were a distraction to give another team time to deliver the real vial. As the Joes were not told about this, they were '''really''' angry that they went through all that fuss for nothing.