Deep South: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''We'll try to stay serene and calm<br />
''When Alabama gets [[Atomic Hate|the bomb]].''|[[Tom Lehrer]], "[[Do Unto Others Before They Do Unto Us/Quotes|Who's Next]]?"}}
{{quote|'''Sam Donaldson:''' ''Governor Clinton, let's be frank. You're running for president, yet your only experience has been as the governor of a small, backward state with a population of drunken hillbillies riding around in pickup trucks. The main streets of your capital city, Little Rock, are something out of ''[[Lil Abner]]'', with buxom underage girls in their cutoff denims prancing around in front of Jethro and Billy Bob, while corncob-pipe-smoking, shotgun-toting grannies fire indiscriminately at runaway hogs.''<br />