Defense of the Ancients: Difference between revisions

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* [[Added Alliterative AppealAlliteration]]: Ancient Apparition, Mask of Madness, and several others more.
* [[Announcer Chatter]]: From [[Unreal Tournament|"First Blood!" all the way to "Holy shit!"]] and including Pudge's [[Diablo|"AHH... Fresh meat!"]].
** [[Memetic Mutation|M-M-M-M-MONSTER KILL!]]
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* Attack Reflector: The Spectre and the Centaur Warchief both have some ability to do this with spells. The 'Blademail' item gives an opportunity for the wearer to fully reflect all damage back to all attackers for several seconds.
* [[Awesome but Impractical]]: Divine Rapier. +300 damage (insane), but drops on death and can be used by enemies if they pick it up. If you buy one of these, guess who the entire enemy team is going to target first?
** It's like a "Kick Me" sign that adds 300 damage!
** The really, ''really'' hard all-DPS zero mobility carries like Troll Warlord. Amazing DPS, but nothing's going to let you just walk up to them and bash their brains out.
* [[Back From the Dead]]: The ''Aegis of the Immortal'' item and King Ostarion's ''Reincarnation'' ('''IT IS CUSTOMARY TO QUOTE ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER WHENEVER YOU DIE''') skill allow for penalty-less revival.
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* [[Boring but Practical]]: Disabling and support heroes. Like it or not, almost no all-DPS team will be successful, and these fellows are vital to success.
** [[Awesome Yet Practical]]: Aggressive supports, Earthshaker in particular. Come packed with stuns, good damage and excellent team buffs, and are absolutely hilarious to play.
** The cheap stat boosting items like Bracers are another example.
* [[Bonus Boss]]: The fountain. It will [[Foregone Conclusion|shred]] [[Curb Stomp Battle|any team]] that doesn't go in geared for it; fortunately, its destruction is unnecessary.
* [[Boom! Headshot!]]: One of Sniper's passive skills. It doesn't turn foes he kills into [[Chunky Salsa Rule|chunky salsa]] though. A properly-timed Assassinate, on the other hand...
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** The Orb of Venom is a recipe to form the Eye of Skadi, an ice-based item with Cold Attack and a frozen projectile.
* [[Elite Mooks]]: Mega Creeps.
* [[Entitled Bastard]]: This is a MOBA. You can expect to see a lot of people who demand that you buy wards or give them potions, then won't tell you where to ''place'' the wards. You can also expect a lot of people to complain at you for not doing everything in your power to save them, while willingly throwing you under the bus when the time comes to save ''you''.
* [[Entropy and Chaos Magic]]: One of the characters uses a chaos damage spell.
* [[Epic Flail]]: Rigwarl, the Bristleback.
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** Axe's ''Culling Blade'' is especially notable, as it is the ''only'' attack that can break through ''Shallow Grave''. To elaborate, ''Shallow Grave'' prevents the unit or hero it's cast on from dying, no matter how much damage s/he takes. However, ''Culling Blade'' dispels the effect before doing damage.
* [[Fire, Ice, Lightning]]: Quas Wex Exort
** Exort Quas Wex
* [[Fog of Doom]]: Slark the Nightcrawler turns into this and chases you.
** [[Fog of War]] also counts as [[Fog of Doom]] in a different sense: it doesn't chase you, but it can conceal enemies preparing to disable you, and even if you know they're there, you can't click on them, so your options are limited. Using this to your advantage when escaping death is known as 'juking'.
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* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Theoretically you can build any hero to be one of these, but Chaos Knight (between his ''Reality Rift'' and having the second highest base movespeed), Lycanthrope (in his Shapeshifted [[Super Mode]]) and Slithereen Guard (with ''Sprint'' active) are the ones who fit conceptually.
** You forgot Balanar, the Night Stalker.
*** Fuck yeah, Troll Warlord!
*** Barathrum.
*** Juggernaut.
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* [[Little Hero, Big War]]: Inverted (!) For a supposed all-out final battle, we sure are deploying awfully few forces. Or maybe it is [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]].
* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]: There are currently 108 heroes in Dota, with more on the way.
* [[Loophole Abuse]]: "Deny"/
* [[Loud of War]]: Many of the spells in the game involve screams and roars (either to damage the enemy with soundwaves, scare the crap out of him, or pump up one's teammates).
* [[Mad Bomber]]: Squee (no, not ''that'' [[Squee]]), Spleen, and Spoon - the Goblin Techies.
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* [[Rain of Arrows]]: The Windrunner's Focus Fire, and Clinkz's Strafe skills.
* [[Revenge]]: Vengeful Spirit, as her name implies.
* [[Serious Business]]: This is a MOBA.
* [[Shock and Awe]]: For starters: Razor, Zeus, and Raijin. Also heroes carrying Maelstrom or Mjollnir.
* [[Shockwave Stomp]]: Many characters have spells that deal damage or stun enemies over an area by smashing the ground really hard.
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** Centaur's ''Double Edge'' dishes out huge damage every 10 seconds if he is ignored. So averted, somewhat.
* [[Stop Poking Me]]: Several heroes in DotA 2 seem to lose their patience if you keep telling them to do something they can't do or aren't ready for.
* [[Suffers Newbies Poorly]]/[[Social Darwinist]]: The [[GIFT|ugly side]] of DotA's community.
* [[Super Mode]]: Several ultimate spells, such as the Dragon Knight's ''Elder Dragon Form'', the Lycanthrope's ''Shapeshift'', Keeper of the Light's ''Spirit Form'', or the Alchemist's ''Chemical Rage''.
* [[Suspiciously Small Army]]
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* [[Unstable Equilibrium]]: If you aren't good at killing creeps and staying alive in the beginning of the game your hero will be very weak later on. Especially brutal with the agility heroes, who need to farm expensive items to be effective.
* [[Useless Useful Spell]]: Averted. Stuns, slows and silences are critical to most kills, and poisons often remain effective through mid-game.
* [[Video Game Remake]]: [[Valve]]'s ''DoTA 2'' is this rather than a sequel, being the original mod ported to a new engine with new lawyer-friendly artwork and animations, as well as an overarching original backstory for the characters that removes any link to their original IPs.
* [[Violation of Common Sense]]: Denying. Seriously, even most [[The Neidermeyer|Neidermeyers]] and [[General Ripper|General Rippers]] who gladly invoke [[We Have Reserves]] and throw masses of troops into a meat grinder won't outright kill their own troops themselves, but that's what you're expected to do in order to disadvantage the enemy.
** (For those not in the know, "denying" a creep is [[Team Killing]] an allied [[Mook]] whom the ''enemy'' is about to kill. Players get a gold bonus every time they kill anything; denying is solely for the purpose of preventing this and halving the [[Experience Points|XP]] the opponent gains.)