John Spartan being railroaded in 1996 was part of a Xanatos Roulette by Raymond Cocteau.

Raymond Cocteau would undoubtedly have a role in society in 1996 if he's as old as he is in 2032. He had a hand in John Spartan being put out of the way in 1996, ensuring that LA would get so crapsack that the people would look to his extreme utopia as the only solution.

In fact, it's altogether possible he could've acted as an unknown mastermind for Simon Phoenix himself in 1996, long before outright being his benefactor in 2032.

Demolition Man is a Alternate Universe Judge Dredd

Demolition Man is set in the same continuity as Halo.

And the Master Chief is the 117th clone of the original John Spartan, coming from DNA that was extracted while he was frozen.

Come on, someone had to say it.

Demolition Man is in the same continuity as Idiocracy

Seriously, what do you expect of a society that has everything spoon fed to it? It's going to degenerate, and fast.

  • Or it's an alternate future, considering the fact that Spartan is intent on making a less restrictive future at the end of the film.