Destroyermen: Difference between revisions

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* [[Alternate History]]: Leaving aside the whole [[Alternate Universe]] thing, they really weren't ever in our world. As explained in the afterword to the first book, the ''Amagi'' depicted was badly damaged by an earthquake while under construction and scrapped in 1922. (There ''was'' an ''Amagi'' that served in WWII, but it was a carrier.) The real USS ''Walker'' was scuttled seventeen days after Pearl Harbor, while the ''Mahan'' was scrapped in 1931.
** A Japanese officer meets German sailors from [[World War I]] who've joined forces with more Lemurians ... except that from what one of the Germans says, it wasn't the '''same''' World War I we (or ''Amagi's'' crew) knew—and he indicates '''other''' people have arrived from similarly divergent timelines.
** Forces show up, offering the Japanese an alliance, from a version of reality where Germany<ref>The German officer apparently doesn't recognize the name "Hitler," so it may not actually be the Nazi GermanyParty running his country. Still fascist, though.</ref> is a '''junior''' partner in a fascist league dominated by France, Spain, and Italy. Their ships include a [ Bretagne-class battleship], the ''Savoie'', which was never built in our time line but evidently '''was''' in the destroyermen's original, and at least one [ Surcouf-class submarine].
* [[Ambadassador]]: Courtney Bradford, originally an [[Absent-Minded Professor]] type who often forgot to shoot at something because he was too fascinated by studying it, has Taken a Level in Badass by ''Devil's Due'', when he's Ambassador to the Republic. When his horse is killed and falls on his leg, pinning him in place during a Grik attack, he claims he did almost nothing. An eyewitness contradicts that; Bradford "kept a grip on his rifle and killed many Grik, even while trapped."
* [[America Saves the Day]]: Yup, it happens ... [[Once an Episode|in every single book]]....