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This is also the mechanic that enables [[Playing Tennis With the Boss]]. Sometimes it can also provide a renewable source of health or ammo pickups, especially in extended [[Boss Battle|Boss Battles]] (where it may overlap with [[Boss Arena Recovery]]).
Contrast [[Shoot the Bullet]], in which this is an extraordinary ([[Moment of Awesome]]/[[Cutscene Power to the Max]]) feat instead of a normal gameplay mechanic. In simulators, the harder it is to shoot a missile, the more efficient tend to be other countermeasures. [[Painfully-Slow Projectile|Painfully Slow Projectiles]] or [[Bullet Time]] are usually the reason this is possible.
Homing missiles and grenades are the most common candidates for this.
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* The rocks the Tank throws in ''[[Left 4 Dead]]'' can be shot down by gunfire, but it requires precise aim and a good amount of bullets to shoot a thrown rock slab out.
* In ''[[Battlestar Galactica Online]]'', you can destroy missiles. Normal bullets are no-go though. Strikes usually are relegated to this role in big battles, where the presence of Escorts makes it hard for them to get any useful licks in.
* In ''[[Super Mario World]]'', you can destroy certain projectiles (like the fireballs and bones enemies throw) with the cape spin, which is useful if you've got nowhere to run.
* In ''[[Elite]]'' series this can be done - but how likely, depends a lot on the player's skill, ship and missile type.
* In ''[[Vega Strike]]'' missiles (but not "bolt" type gun projectiles) can be tracked with radar (there's even automatic warning for missile locks) and shot. Anti-capship types have noticeable level of armoring, but lesser missiles pop from a single hit with almost anything. Only capships and subcapships have proper turrets, but there are also autotracking mounts. Most beam weapons do it easily - this may be the main reason to buy rapid-fire lasers at all - and Ionburster, despite modest range and rate of fire, also hits anything it can in one simulation frame and uses cheap near-[[Bottomless Magazines]]. There's even an anti-missile missile that tracks only other munitions and delivers a weak, but wide blast.
== Non-videogame examples ==
* In ''[[Star Wars]]'', Jedi are able to deflect lasers by hitting them with a lightsaber.
* In ''[[The Lord of the Rings (film)|Lord of the Rings]]'', Boromir defects some of the arrows with his sword.
* ''[[Sinfest]]'', forDevil [ Devilfrustrates Cupid by isbeing competent at point-defencedefense].
* TheAs missilesmall defensemissiles systemsgrew of Russianmore and Koreanmore dangerous, passive measures became less efficient against them, so now tanks get their own point defense systems to shoot down incoming RPGs. See animationsRussian and Korean tanks in animations #7 and #6 of ''[[]]'''s Photoplasty contest "[ 21 Incredibly Satisfying Scenes of Stuff Getting Destroyed]".