Dethroning Moment of Suck (Darth Wiki)/Professional Wrestling: Difference between revisions

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* Tropers/Das Nordlicht 91: At ''[[Wrestlemania]] XXVIII'', [[Daniel Bryan]] vs. [[Sheamus]] for the World Heavyweight Championship opened the show. You would expect a back-and-forth and hard-fought match to get the crowd going for what could be one of the best [[Wrestlemania]] events in recent memory, right? {{spoiler|1=Nope. Sheamus squashes Bryan in 18 seconds flat with one Brogue Kick to become the new WHC. I mean, wow. You've got two guys who were bumped off WM27 the year prior in a big title match, and it ends in eighteen fucking seconds. Wow.}}
* Tropers/Renelia: Going back in time, it has to be TheInvasion and what went wrong. It was supposed to be the biggest angle in (then) [[WWE|WWF]] history. Now, I understand that some of the wrestlers they couldn't get a hold of because of contractual issues. The main problem was that it had a lot of potential and it ended up [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot|utterly wasted]] because of unknown reasons. What causes this to be even worse: the wrestlers that were "too expensive", with the exception of Sting, ended up wrestling in the WWF/WWE in the (then) near-future! However, what made this a real wall banger: The so-called WWF vs. WCW battle royal match in November 2001...the last two wrestlers were from the WWF during the Attitude Era. It may have been a deliberate plot for WWF to screw over what was left of WCW, but the entire angle was poorly planned and it's no wonder why it's remembered as one of the [[So Bad It's Horrible/WWE|worst angles in WWE history.]]
* KantonKage: [[John Laurinaitis]] defeating [[John Cena]] at Over The Limit 2012. Didn't make sense in any way possible. [[The Big Show]] comes out and when you think he's out for revenge after being humilated and reduced to tears. Nope, he goes and WMD'd Cena and Laurinaitis still has a job. And in the words of [[John Cena]] '''[[You Have GottaGot To Be Kidding MEMe!|What The Hell]]!!!'''
== WCW ==