Dethroning Moment of Suck (Darth Wiki)/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ecclytennysmithylove]]: My DMOS would have to be the death of {{spoiler|Emma Emmerich}} in [[Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty]]. After {{spoiler|Emma}} dies, Otacon decided {{spoiler|to leave her corpse on the Big Shell, which is going to flood}}. [[Flat What|...what?]] I'm sorry, Otacon, but what you just said sounded like you don't care for your {{spoiler|sister}}. {{spoiler|Leaving your dead sister in the offshore facility that's going to be flooded}} does not solve the problem. A better solution would be to bring your {{spoiler|dead sister}} safely to your hometown and give her a proper burial. Even worse, neither Snake nor Raiden called out on Otacon to make him change his mind. Although the security camera did not show {{spoiler|Emma's corpse when the flooding happened}}, I had a hard time falling asleep because I was completely shocked and couldn't believe how uncaring Otacon was. However, I have high hopes that maybe {{spoiler|Emma}} will be [[Spared by the Adaptation]] if, by chance, the game gets adapted into a film.
* [[NoxiousSludge]]: I'll admit that I'm having the time of my life playing [[Xenoblade]] and find it to be a very entertaining game that you can sink hundreds of hours into without growing bored with it. I find the storyline and overall dialogue quite satisfying... except for one jarring and incredibly stupid and terribly written moment in Sword Valley. After Shulk and the gang's final confrontation with Metal Face/{{spoiler|Mumkhar}}, Dunban goes to finish him off and put an end to the bastard's villainy once and for all. But right before he gets the killing blow, Shulk decides to stop him and blocks Dunban's attack. The very same Shulk who swore to murder Metal Face for {{spoiler|slaughtering tons of innocent Homs over in his hometown, including his friend and love interest Fiora}} and yells that they can't kill Metal Face because {{spoiler|he's truly a Homs like they are}}. Not only is this sudden 180 in his motivation incredibly jarring, but after a few seconds of clashing weapons, Dunban ''agrees'' with Shulk and allows Metal Face to live. And keep in mind, this is the exact same {{spoiler|Mumkhar who not only killed his sister, but left him to die in Sword Valley and willingly sold out his species to the Mechon just because he was jealous of him}}. I'll skip the part where I talk about how Metal Face truly deserved to die for all the shit he pulled {{spoiler|and of course, the first thing he does is try to kill Shulk and Dunban again, only to accidentally kill himself}}, but Shulk insisting that they can't kill him due to {{spoiler|being a Homs}} is hilariously hypocritical since {{spoiler|you had to kill two other Faced Mechon in that same battle with Metal Face}}! While it doesn't really ruin the game for me, that part will forever leave a bitter taste in my mouth.
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