Deus Ex/Characters: Difference between revisions

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"''I was never properly trained in its operation.''" }}
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: While possibly and at least [[Tyke Bomb|built to be]] a killing machine, at more than a few points, such as with the bartender in China and with Morpheus, is quite able to sit down and talk philosophy.
* [[A God Am I]]: In ''Invisible War'', after merging with extremely powerful, omniscient AI Helios.
* [[Happily Adopted]]: Like Paul, he was fond of his adoptive parents.
* [[Healing Factor]]: Regeneration is, unsurprisingly, the most popular augmentation amongst most players, especially since at full power you regain health ''faster'' than a roomful of enemies with assault rifles going full auto can take it away.
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* [[Phlebotinum Rebel]]: Oh yes indeed. From expendable prototype testbed for the real deal in the head conspirators to bane of the head conspirators' existence.
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: JC can be this.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: JC is potentially Red to his brother Paul's Blue. He can be played as someone who thinks before he shoots, but that still doesn't get around the fact that he usually still has a far higher propensity to shoot than his brother (unless you go full Pacifist).
** It can also work the other way, since JC is stoic and dry while his brother is much more emotional and social.
* [[Sealed Good in a Can]]: For Invisible War.
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* [[Sealed Good in a Can]]: For Invisible War.
* [[Technical Pacifist]]: Will lecture the player on avoiding fatalities, but put him in a room with a hostile and he'll gib the poor guy with a plasma rifle.
** {{spoiler|Subverted. He's secretly a member of the NSF, so he's aiding them by making sure none of them die, which is why when JC joins him, he drops this line of thought entirely.}}
==== '''Bob Page''' ====
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* [[Badass Longcoat]]
* [[Bio Augmentation]]
* [[The Comically Serious]]: Throw things at him and watch his reaction.
* [[Creator Cameo]]: He is voiced by one of the producers of the game.
* [[Creepy Monotone]]
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* [[The Stoic]]
* [[Tainted Veins]]: JC points this out in a rather humorous scene.
* [[Villain with Good Publicity]]: Is seen as a philanthropist by the ordinary UNATCO troopers.
* [[Voice with an Internet Connection]]: Only a few times, though.
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* [[Gone Horribly Right]]: Daedalus was created by MJ-12 to monitor the internet and crack down on terrorist groups. By the logic that they put in, it identified ''them'' as a terrorist organization.
* [[It's a Small Net After All]]: Daedalus ''is'' the Internet.
* [[Mission Control]]: Daedalus and Helios.
* [[Split Personality]]: Daedalus and Icarus.
* [[Split Personality Merge]]: Helios.
* [[Verbal Tic]]: The Helios AI, yes.
* [[Voice with an Internet Connection]]: Icarus and Helios.
==== '''Anna Navarre and Gunther Hermann''' ====
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* [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!]]: JC attempts to express sympathy to Sam for the loss of his family to terrorism. Sam doesn't want to hear it.
* [[Internal Reformist]]: He eventually gives up though.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: He comes off as very crotchety and hardassedhard-assed, but seriously, he's a stand up guy, and if you keep picking non lethal options and avoiding killing people, he even commends you on your humanity and restraint.
* [[My Country, Right or Wrong]]: {{spoiler|He refuses to leave UNATCO even after learning about the corruption, believing only by good individuals within can reform it. He is forced to leave and more fully help the player when MJ12 tightens their grip on UNATCO even more.}}
* [[Noodle Incident]]: He memorably claims to have dispatched an entire platoon with a pocket knife. He also mentions taking out a group of Afghans in an unspecified war.
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{{quote|Voice: John Gault}}
* [[Da Chief]]: Of UNATCO {{spoiler|1=Really just an MJ12 puppet.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Obstructive Bureaucrat]]: He got his start as a tool of the conspiracy to suppress information.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Reasonable Authority Figure]] Seems to be at first.}}
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* [[Bad Boss]]: Even his fellow NSF think he's an asshole.
* [[Colonel Badass|Colonel NON Badass]] -: He'd love to be seen as a tough guy and he is a colonel in the NSF, but he's basically a [[Dirty Coward]] thug who hides behind a gun, intimidation tactics, fake augmentations, and a big title.
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: Subverted. A NSF goon actually derides him (not to his face) for wearing an earring.