Deus Ex/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[A God Am I]]: Helios
* [[Gone Horribly Right]]: The reason why Daedalus turns on its masters is drenched in irony. {{spoiler|Echelon IV was designed to scour all telecommunications for subversive/terrorist activity and was given the sentience to assist in interdicting terrorist operations. MJ12 very stupidly used it to make their jobs easier as means of keeping tabs on UNATCO and the NSF, and Daedalus took one look at their activities, realized they were exactly what he was built to stop, and immediately sought to help JC out and his associates out, since they had the best shot at stopping MJ12's terrorism and subversion of international law.}}
* [[It's a Small Net After All]]: Daedalus ''is'' the Internet.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: Artificially induced on Daedalus not long after the Versalife mission. {{spoiler|Icarus was activated, compromised Daedalus, who starts giving your orders that would help compromise your goals, and eventually Icarus takes full control}}. A conversation involving Bob Page can be overheard foreshadowing this shortly before it happens.
* [[It's a Small Net After All]]: Daedalus ''is'' the Internet.
* [[Mission Control]]: Daedalus and Helios.
* [[Split Personality]]: Daedalus and Icarus.
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* [[Invisibility]]: Anna's augment of choice. She also runs the tutorial on stealth.
* [[Jerkass]]: Anna. Unless you're a merciless killer, she treats you like crap. However, showing a little humility and deferring to her early on during the second mission) will delay some of her more abrasive tendencies, but still, she'll wind up treating you like shit for not being a cold blooded killer sooner or later.
** [[Jerkass Woobie]]: Gunther. Sure he's a bloodthirsty killing machine with close to 1000 hits under his belt, but you can't help but pity him.
* [[Morality Pet]]: Gunther truly does feel sorrow and rage {{spoiler|after Anna Navarre dies}}, and it is that which is driving him to want to {{spoiler|kill JC [[Deader Than Dead]].}} That said, this trope doesn't make him any less villainous, but at least his motives are a little more sympathetic.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Anna is very skeptical about Gunther's conspiracy theory that the maintenance man who stocks the drink machines at UNATCO is purposely trying to screw him over. {{spoiler|Subverted in the sequel when you find out he was right.}}