Deus Ex/Characters: Difference between revisions

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The player character and main protagonist of the game, an augmented agent of UNATCO tasked with defeating the NSF, only to find out that the situation is considerably more complicated than it seems..
* [[Badass]]:
** [[Badass Longcoat]]: Lampshaded when Anna tells you you will have to do more than just scare your enemies with a coat that makes you look bigger that you really are.
** [[Cool Shades]]
** [[Iron Woobie]]: If you speak with Morpheus, he'll confirm to JC he was {{spoiler|genetically engineered and that most of his life was a lie.}}. JC's response is basically "So? Who cares?".
** [[One-Man Army]]: What you are considered after the halfway point of the game.
* [[Bio Augmentation]]
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"''A bomb's a bad choice for close range combat.''"<br />
"''You mechs may have copper wiring to reroute your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steel.''"<br />
"''I was never properly trained in its operation.''" }}
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: While possibly and at least [[Tyke Bomb|built to be]] a killing machine, at more than a few points, such as with the bartender in China and with Morpheus, is quite able to sit down and talk philosophy.
* [[A God Am I]]: In ''Invisible War'', after merging with extremely powerful, omniscient AI Helios.
* [[Happily Adopted]]: Like Paul, he was fond of his adoptive parents.
* [[Healing Factor]]: Regeneration is, unsurprisingly, the most popular augmentation amongst most players, especially since at full power, you regain health ''faster'' than a roomful of enemies with assault rifles going full auto can take it away.
* [[Heroic Albino]]: J.C.JC Denton can be an albino. But then, he can also be [[Scary Black Man|black]], [[Mighty Whitey|white]],<ref>wellWell, he's a white guy helping the helpless black Morgan Everett, so with [[Insane Troll Logic|a little stretch]]...</ref>, [[Ambiguously Brown|vaguely Hispanic]]...
* [[Hyperspace Arsenal]]: JC has a ''lot'' of space in that coat.
* [[The Immune]]: JC is immune to the the symptoms of [[The Plague|Gray Death]].
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* [[Naive Newcomer]]: At first...
* [[Nakama]]: This is why when JC finally decides to jump ship from his traitorous employers, so many of his senior co workers join him.
* [[Nanotechnology]]: Is a walking test bed for the technology. {{spoiler|Intended to be this on purpose by Bob Page and Walton Simons so they can refine their own use of nanmachines for their own goals, though this comes back to bite them on the ass later.}}.
* [[Nigh Invulnerable]]: It's possible to make him this to pretty much anything, but long falls or explosions at point-blank range, even on realistic difficulty.
* [[Phlebotinum Rebel]]: Oh yes, indeed. From expendable prototype testbed for the real deal in the head conspirators to bane of the head conspirators' existence.
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: JC can be this.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: JC is potentially Red to his brother Paul's Blue. He can be played as someone who thinks before he shoots, but that still doesn't get around the fact that he usually still has a far higher propensity to shoot than his brother (unless you go full [[Pacifist]]).
** It can also work the other way, since JC is stoic and dry while his brother is much more emotional and social.
* [[Sealed Good in a Can]]: For ''Invisible War''.
* [[Significant Monogram]]
* [[Stealth Expert]]
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{{quote|Voice: Jay Anthony Franke}}
J.C.JC's brother and fellow augmented agent.
* [[Badass]]:
** [[Badass Beard]]
** [[Badass Longcoat]]
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* [[Conspiracy Theorist]]
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]
* {{spoiler|[[Face Heel Turn]]: Subverted. Turns out it was actually a [[Heel Face Turn]].}}.
* [[Happily Adopted]]: Indicates he liked his parents, and JC mentions he and Paul realized they were not genetically related growing up.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Saul changed his name to Paul when he decided to ''switch sides'' from persecuting the early Christians to converting to Christianity. Paul Denton goes from persecuting the NSF to joining them.
* [[Mission Control]]: Only a few times though.
* {{spoiler|[[The Mole]]: For the NSF.}}.
* [[Nanotechnology]]
* [[Phlebotinum Rebel]]: Rebelled before little bro JC did. However, not as successful at it as JC was.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Blue to his little bro JC's potential Red. He's the one who urges you basically to think before you shoot.
* [[Sealed Good in a Can]]: For ''Invisible War''.
* [[Technical Pacifist]]: Will lecture the player on avoiding fatalities, but put him in a room with a hostile, and he'll gib the poor guy with a plasma rifle.
** {{spoiler|Subverted. He's secretly a member of the NSF, so he's aiding them by making sure none of them die, which is why when JC joins him, he drops this line of thought entirely.}}.
== Bob Page ==
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The richest man in the world, head of Page Industries and member of the Illuminati.
* [[Bald of Evil]]: {{spoiler|At the end, as he's preparing for the merger.}}.
* [[Big Bad]]
* [[Bio Augmentation]]
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* [[Crazy Prepared]]: Unlike most villains, he does think far enough ahead to have a Plan B AND C.
* [[Deceptive Disciple]]: Either this or [[A Pupil of Mine Until He Turned to Evil]] to Morgan Everret.
* [[Didn't See That Coming]]: {{spoiler|Helios deciding that merging with JC is a better idea.}}.
* [[Evil Redhead]]
* {{spoiler|[[A God Am I]]: His goal is to become one by merging with the Helio AI so he can rule the world.}}.
* [[It's All About Me]]
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]]
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: If you follow Everett's suggestion to kill him, he'll get increasingly unhinged and desperate. Amusingly, since his taunting messages to the player are scripted by location, he'll come across as bipolar, switching between pleading with JC and mocking him.
** While it's not nearly as loud, he does this if JC is doing the steps to reach the Helios Ending as well. {{spoiler|His final line in this case is an almost child-like "Helios? Icarus? Don't leave me..."}}
* [[Villain with Good Publicity]]
* [[Voice with an Internet Connection]]
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* [[Creator Cameo]]: He is voiced by one of the producers of the game.
* [[Creepy Monotone]]
* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]:
{{quote|''"Denton? Walton Simons here. What an expensive mistake you turned out to be. I ordered the troops to kill you, because frankly I don't have the patience to wait for one of those damn killswitches to work."''}}
* [[The Dragon]]
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To JC, somewhat.
{{quote|'''Simons:''' ''"You take another step forward and here I am again, like your own reflection in a hall of mirrors."''
'''JC:''' ''[[Deadpan Snarker|"Must make me one ugly son of a bitch.]]"'' }}
* [[I Have Your Wife]]: Threatens an NSF's prisoner's family to try to get him to talk.
* [[Impossibly Cool Clothes]]: Just look at the design of his trenchcoat and try telling yourself government employees IRL get to walk around in threads that awesome looking.
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* [[Red Right Hand]]: The bioelectics on his skin.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]]: Simons is a "philanthropist", who has made ''very'' large "donations" to assure UNATCO is properly equipped and supplied. While UNATCO technically falls under his command anyway, this makes them especially eager to follow orders.
* [[Skippable Boss]]: If you're quick enough at the Ocean Lab, the fight won't even start since Simons has to catch you and go into conversation before he'll turn hostile. This is pretty amusing since [[Fridge Logic|he has a freaking Plasma Rifle, and could easily just shoot you in the back while he's chasing you down.]].
* [[The Stoic]]
* [[Tainted Veins]]: JC points this out in a rather humorous scene.
* [[Villain with Good Publicity]]: Is seen as a philanthropist by the ordinary UNATCO troopers.
* [[Voice with an Internet Connection]]: Only a few times, though.
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* [[Deus Est Machina]]
* [[Evil Gloating]]: Icarus takes great sadistic joy in taunting you about how pathetic you are and how futile everything you do is at each step, plus going on about how much [[You Suck]] in response to any [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]] you take advantage of.
* [[A God Am I]]: Helios.
* [[Gone Horribly Right]]: The reason why Daedalus turns on its masters is drenched in irony. {{spoiler|Echelon IV was designed to scour all telecommunications for subversive/terrorist activity and was given the sentience to assist in interdicting terrorist operations. MJ12 very stupidly used it to make their jobs easier as means of keeping tabs on UNATCO and the NSF, and Daedalus took one look at their activities, realized they were exactly what he was built to stop, and immediately sought to help JC out and his associates out, since they had the best shot at stopping MJ12's terrorism and subversion of international law.}}.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: Artificially induced on Daedalus not long after the Versalife mission. {{spoiler|Icarus was activated, compromised Daedalus, who starts giving your orders that would help compromise your goals, and eventually Icarus takes full control}}. A conversation involving Bob Page can be overheard foreshadowing this shortly before it happens.
* [[It's a Small Net After All]]: Daedalus ''is'' the Internet.
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* [[Beta Test Baddie]]: Gunther especially so.
* [[Blood Knight]]: Anna's SOP for any hostile situation is ''kill everything''!
* [[Body Count Competition]]: Gunther Hermann and Anna Navarre seem to have such a competition. If the [[Player Character]] is killed by Anna, she'll sometimes say "Nine hundred and ten. I'm catching up, Gunther"."
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Gunther suffers quite a few indignities of varying degrees, from getting kidnapped, to getting phased out in favor of agents with newer augmentations, to being unable to get the soda he wants.
* [[Cyborg]]
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* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]
* [[Invisibility]]: Anna's augment of choice. She also runs the tutorial on stealth.
* [[Jerkass]]: Anna. Unless you're a merciless killer, she treats you like crap. However, showing a little humility and deferring to her early on during the second mission) will delay some of her more abrasive tendencies, but still, she'll wind up treating you like shit for not being a cold blooded killer sooner or later.
* [[Morality Pet]]: Gunther truly does feel sorrow and rage {{spoiler|after Anna Navarre dies}}, and it is that which is driving him to want to {{spoiler|kill JC [[Deader Than Dead]].}}. That said, this trope doesn't make him any less villainous, but at least his motives are a little more sympathetic.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Anna is very skeptical about Gunther's conspiracy theory that the maintenance man who stocks the drink machines at UNATCO is purposely trying to screw him over. {{spoiler|Subverted in the sequel when you find out he was right.}}.
* [[Self-Destruct Mechanism]]: One mechanism kills them, the other takes care of the corpse.
* [[Skippable Boss]]
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* [[Internal Reformist]]: He eventually gives up though.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: He comes off as very crotchety and hard-assed, but seriously, he's a stand up guy, and if you keep picking non lethal options and avoiding killing people, he even commends you on your humanity and restraint.
* [[My Country, Right or Wrong]]: {{spoiler|He refuses to leave UNATCO even after learning about the corruption, believing only by good individuals within can reform it. He is forced to leave and more fully help the player when MJ12 tightens their grip on UNATCO even more.}}.
* [[Noodle Incident]]: He memorably claims to have dispatched an entire platoon with a pocket knife. He also mentions taking out a group of Afghans in an unspecified war.
* [[Retired Badass|Semi-Retired Badass]]: He's an ex-General working as a quartermaster.
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{{quote|Voice: John Gault}}
* [[Da Chief]]: Of UNATCO. {{spoiler|Really just an MJ12 puppet, and as revealed in ''Human Revolution'', was one for the Illuminati in general in his earlier days.}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Obstructive Bureaucrat]]: He got his start as a tool of the conspiracy to suppress information.}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Reasonable Authority Figure]] Seems to be at first.}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Reassigned to Antarctica]] : Suffers this as a result of JC escaping... if you don't kill him yourself. If you don't, it's then later implied he's killed anyway.}}.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: {{spoiler|After confronting him, he'll act nonchalant and let you leave. When your back is turned, he pulls a pistol on you. He's typically gibbed a few seconds later. Unless you're playing at the "Realistic" difficulty setting, where there's a 50% chance or so that he will shoot you in the back of the head, fatally.}}.
* [[Villain With Good Publicity]]: Is regarded as reasonable and well liked as leader of UNATCO despite criticism of UNATCO's activities, as revealed via some news articles. {{spoiler|Was intended to be such by Walton Simons to give UNATCO a respectable looking public face, though he eventually is considered expendable by the time JC breaks out of UNATCO HQ.}}.
* {{spoiler|[[You Have Failed Me...]]: Listed as dead even if you don't kill him, and he may have been killed for his failure}}.
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* [[Alliterative Name]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]: His name is an allusion to the common Win32 networking tool "tracert" for looking up the hosts that a packet visits on its way to another host.
* [[Mission Control]]: {{spoiler|After you defect from UNATCO, he takes up Alex's old role.}}.
* [[Nice Guy]]
* [[The Triads and the Tongs]]: Not so much as his father was in ''Human Revolution'' from what we can see. He seems more interested in his lab than day-to-day gang activity.
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* [[Badass]]: Tries to come off as one, but he subverts this in every way.
** [[Badass Spaniard|Wannabe Badass Hispanic]]: Has a thuggish Hispanic accent, but it doesn't work very well at making him sound intimidating.
** [[Colonel Badass|Colonel NON Badass]]: He'd love to be seen as a tough guy, and he is a colonel in the NSF, but he's basically a [[Dirty Coward]] thug who hides behind a gun, intimidation tactics, fake augmentations, and a big title.
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: While otherwise rather stupid, he does have the foresight to booby trap sensitive areas very carefully, though his ability to keep people from spilling about his defense setup security codes still sucks.
* [[Jerkass]]
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* [[I Just Want to Be Badass]]: Insofar as keeping his little girl safe anyway.
* [[Overprotective Dad]]: Considering who his daughter is and the setting of the game, he has every right to be.
* [[Papa Wolf]]: He becomes this if {{spoiler|you arm him with a weapon.}}.
== Maggie Chow ==