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* Dr. Dre's third solo album, ''Detox.'' It is been in talks for most of the aughties, though the current state of hip hop makes the prospect much less exciting than when ''Chronic 2001'' came out. Dr. Dre has been promising Detox since 2000. Between the list of artists Dre said would be on the album and the lame acts he's signed to Aftermath over the years (acts who, according to many critics, already took up far too much of ''2001'') it's obvious what the holdup is: the man's become a perfectionist and can't decide who to work with.
** The only two artists he's been able to work with consistently are [[Fifty Cent|50 Cent]] and [[Eminem]], it seems unlikely that Detox will ever come out.
{{quote| '''Eminem'''(from a song released in 2004): "Don't worry 'bout that Detox album, it's comin'! We gon' make Dre do it!"}}
** The album had two well-received promo singles in 2011; the second, "I Need a Doctor", hit the top 5 and has been nominated for a Grammy. So of course we get announcements that a) neither song will be on the album if it's ever finished, and b) Dre's going on a hiatus from music altogether.
* Anthony Rapp released a single solo album, ''Look Around'', in 2000. After that, he claimed he was giving up solo work in favor of promoting his alternative/indie rock band Albinokid, and has promised they'll release an album since 2005. Several track listings have appeared on his [[My Space]], and he's mentioned songs he plans to include at the band's live performances, but the album hasn't appeared four years later. In fact, from lack of information on the band, it seems that they broke up.