Die for Our Ship/Western Animation: Difference between revisions

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** Then there are the bitter [[Les Yay]] shippers who are still convinced Tom was invented for the sole purpose of ruining their fantasies. This despite both Daria and Jane (''especially'' Jane) constantly showing interest in and pursuing men.
** Trent's on-and-off girlfriend Monique is also portrayed as an evil bitch in several Daria/Trent fics, despite her canon self being sweet and friendly.
** It should be noted that after a decade, however, the whole [[Ship -to -Ship Combat]] in the fandom has died down a lot; the old fans have gotten over it and many of the newer ones went into the series knowing what was going to happen. These days, Tom-bashing is more a tongue-in-cheek joke than anything, and Daria/Trent, while still popular, is often seen as kind of cliché.
* In a rare pro-fem example, Sprx from ''[[Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go]]!'' has been through this. Though often it's just [[Ron the Death Eater]] here.
* Josh Mankey from ''[[Kim Possible]]'' is usually vilified for standing in the way of Kim/Ron. He is usually depicted as womanizing, manipulative, or abusive. This, even though he was shown as caring and understanding the few times he dated Kim. (Kim and Ron had shown no romantic interest in each other until the third season.)
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** Then there's Yori, Ron's [[Yamato Nadeshiko]] and [[Action Girlfriend]] who very clearly was in love with him. Despite Kim's jealousness fans see her as no threat to their relationship, as Yori is perfectly fine with Kim and Ron as a couple.
*** That is, until certain fans decided that she was ''lying'' about being fine with Kim and Ron as the [[Official Couple]] and is ''secretly'' and ''sneakily'' (she is a ninja after all) trying to win Ron over from Kim.
* ''[[Danny Phantom]]'' had Samantha "Sam" Manson (the one Danny ended up with) as this early in the fandom; she was hated, despised, and bashed in fanfiction written by Danny fangirls who paired Danny with the writer's [[Original Character]]. To this day, the worst of those stories are still archived in Quizilla. However, the hate for Sam toned down when [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|Valerie]] [[Fallen Princess|Gray]] went through, not only [[Character Development]], but also a [[Gondor Calls for Aid]] episode in which she and Danny become friends, and eventually ended up in a [[Dating Catwoman]] situation. Since then, Valerie has been despised by a large part of the fandom (even though they broke up because [[ItsIt's Not You, ItsIt's My Enemies|Valerie didn't want to put Danny in danger]]), since the two still maintained romantic feelings for each other. Although by the end of the series {{spoiler|it's hinted prior to his [[Last -Minute Hookup]] with Sam that Danny got over Valerie,}} the hate is still going strong. It's not surprising to find a fanfic in which Sam is depressed over Danny and Valerie's relationship, and it turns out that Danny is only dating Valerie because he thinks Sam will never love him and never loved Valerie in the first place.
** Danny/Valerie shippers frequently claim Sam is some kind of manipulative shrew who thinks of Danny as a tool for her own agendas. It got even worse after [[Victorious Childhood Friend|the finale.]]
* ''[[The Fairly Odd Parents]]'': Timmy/Trixie shippers end up bashing Tootie, and Timmy/Tootie shippers bash Trixie. It is mostly Trixie and Tootie fans who do the bashing... In one fanfic, known as "Trixie's True Self 2", Tootie even went to the evil side -- something she would never do on the show -- after Timmy started dating a new tomboy-fied Trixie. It is even said to happen [[Armed With Canon|with the writers]].
* In ''[[Batman Beyond]]'', the [[Fan -Preferred Couple|Terry/Maxine]] fans ''really'' hated Terry's canon girlfriend, Dana.
** It's a bit of a two-way street, as the small faction of Terry/Dana shippers don't look too kindly on Max, either, for the most part. (Although they're usually more mature about it, or at least can't afford to alienate the majority audience.)
** Canonically, of course, the two get along fine: Dana is much more annoyed by Terry constantly missing dates than his friendship with Max.
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** Isabella gets this from time to time for her crush on [[Cheerful Child|Phineas]], especially from [[Not Blood Siblings|Phineas/Ferb]] shippers.
* Trent of ''[[Total Drama Island (Animation)|Total Drama Island]]'' '''used''' to be bashed by people who would rather see Gwen and Cody together, often portrayed as a [[Jerkass|shallow, abusive jerk]]. The hate has more or less ended now that they broke up on the show (ironically for the opposite reason - he was ''too'' clingy and needy).
** Another major [[Ship -to -Ship Combat|Shipping War]] lately: [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold|Dun]][[Launcher of a Thousand Ships|can]]/[[Well, Excuse Me, Princess!|Cour]][[Tsundere|tney]] vs. [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold|Dun]][[Launcher of a Thousand Ships|can]]/[[Perky Goth|Gw]][[Tsundere|en]]. A rare example when the writers took away Duncan/Courtney's canon status and gave it to Duncan/Gwen.
** Sierra gets crucified for her massive crush on Cody (Though there are [[Stalker With a Crush|other]] [[The Scrappy|reasons]] to dislike their relationship even if you don't ship him with someone else). In fact, it already happened when Beth kissed Cody on the cheek as he was voted off (few people like Beth/Cody). He's one popular dude: he's been [[Launcher of a Thousand Ships|shipped with just about every girl]] at least once, [[Ho Yay|though not nearly as often as with]] [[Ambiguously Gay|Noah]].
** Alejandro (the new male contestant) gets quite a lot of hate from Harold/Leshawna, Geoff/Bridgette and Tyler/Lindsay shippers, and anybody who ships Heather with anybody else. Of course, this is sort of a [[Justified Trope]] with [[Official Couple|everyone but Heather]]---he never had any interest in those other girls, he was just toying with them for his own villainous purposes.
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** Rebecca Cotswolds, a minor one-shot character in the vein of Kelly, is absolutely demonized by Kyle/Bebe shippers and Stan/Kyle shippers as well. Sure, she became promiscuous towards the end of the episode, but those fans will often ignore her naive and sheltered personality and turn her into a violent, manipulative bitch and skank who wants nothing more than to make Kyle's life hell.
** More recently, [[Foe Yay|Kyle/Cartman]] writers have taken to writing what are essentially anti-[[Heterosexual Life Partners|Stan/Kyle]] fics that either a) have Stan die and Cartman swoop in to woo Kyle, or b) change Stan's character beyond the point of recognition, making Kyle turn to Cartman for friendship/romance.
*** Funny, {{spoiler|this is now canon, at least friendship-wise. The Season 15 finals shows Kyle would rather hang out with Cartman over Stan after Stan becomes nothing more than a cynical asshole. After Stan moves away from South Park, it shows the once enemies playing video games and smiling at one another.}} Suffice to say, the [[Ship -to -Ship Combat|StanxKyle and CartmanxKyle shippers went crazy]].
*** Not so fast! The following episode, "Ass Burgers", ends with {{spoiler|[[Status Quo Is God|Kyle and Stan becoming friends again and Kyle and Cartman going back to hating each other]]}}!
** Stan seems to be in the Dangerzone with the Cartman/Wendy fans for being passionless and neglectful with Wendy. In fanworks he ditches/dumps a sad/brokenhearted Wendy for Kyle which then she gets conforted by Cartman.
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* In ''[[The Real Ghostbusters]]'' Janine Melnitz often becomes the target because of her [[Ship Tease|love interest Egon Spengler.]] Usually vilified as either an over controlling harpy or a heartless slut. If the pairing is OC/Egon than this can get especially bad. Doesn't help that Ramis isn't too fond of Janine/Egon either in the original movies.
* From ''[[Adventure Time (Animation)|Adventure Time]]'', Marceline the Vampire Queen is not the favorite character of Finn/Princess Bubblegum shippers.
** And both Marceline/Finn and Finn/Bubblegum shippers [[Ship -to -Ship Combat|have been reduced to screaming messes]] after the appearance of [[Cheryl Blossom|the Flame Princess.]]
** Many fans had this opinion about Lemongrab after Too Young. Never mind the fact that he's an obnoxious, unempathetic, mean jerk- the fact that he (unintentionally) prevented Finn from being with Princess Bubblegum was what got Fubblegum shippers to hate him!
* {{spoiler|Lo}} from ''[[Stoked]]'' is public enemy #1 for Reef/Fin shippers.