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* Lizzie Devine, Numbuh One's girlfriend during most of ''[[Codename Kids Next Door]],'' is often bashed. Numbuh Two is also often bashed for getting in the way of 1/5 even though he's not even ''in'' a relationship with Numbuh Five. (The latter case ''is'' no longer as common as it used to be.)
** It is hinted in The [[Grand Finale]] that {{spoiler|Numbuh Two may have married Numbuh Five when they grew up (despite his canon crush on 5's sister Cree).}} So, Two ''is'' as valid a target as anyone... Also, in the series, {{spoiler|Lizzie breaks up with Nigel willingly.}}
** Also, [[Rule Thirty Four34|34]] shippers (the name is often used intentionally) are constantly at war with the [[Ho Yay]]-obsessed 14 shippers and to a lesser extent, 13 and 45 shippers.
* Terra, from ''[[Teen Titans (Animation)|Teen Titans]]'', was absolutely ''loathed'' by Beast Boy/Raven shippers after she appeared in season two. After her [[The Mole|revelation as Slade's apprentice]], the hate magnified even more; many fics were written featuring Terra as a maniacal sociopath... which, ironically, fits the '''original''' [[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|comic version]] of her. The show's version is quite [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|different.]]
** Starfire, as part of the [[Official Couple]], tends to get a LOT of hatred from Robin/Raven fans.
** Robin and Beast Boy occasionally get hatred from Beast Boy/Raven shippers and Robin/Raven shippers respectively. Robin will also sometimes get this from Raven/Starfire shippers.
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** Then there's Yori, Ron's [[Yamato Nadeshiko]] and [[Action Girlfriend]] who very clearly was in love with him. Despite Kim's jealousness fans see her as no threat to their relationship, as Yori is perfectly fine with Kim and Ron as a couple.
*** That is, until certain fans decided that she was ''lying'' about being fine with Kim and Ron as the [[Official Couple]] and is ''secretly'' and ''sneakily'' (she is a ninja after all) trying to win Ron over from Kim.
* ''[[Danny Phantom]]'' had Samantha "Sam" Manson (the one Danny ended up with) as this early in the fandom; she was hated, despised, and bashed in fanfiction written by Danny fangirls who paired Danny with the writer's [[Original Character]]. To this day, the worst of those stories are still archived in Quizilla. However, the hate for Sam toned down when [[Well -Intentioned Extremist|Valerie]] [[Fallen Princess|Gray]] went through, not only [[Character Development]], but also a [[Gondor Calls for Aid]] episode in which she and Danny become friends, and eventually ended up in a [[Dating Catwoman]] situation. Since then, Valerie has been despised by a large part of the fandom (even though they broke up because [[Its Not You Its My Enemies|Valerie didn't want to put Danny in danger]]), since the two still maintained romantic feelings for each other. Although by the end of the series {{spoiler|it's hinted prior to his [[Last Minute Hookup]] with Sam that Danny got over Valerie,}} the hate is still going strong. It's not surprising to find a fanfic in which Sam is depressed over Danny and Valerie's relationship, and it turns out that Danny is only dating Valerie because he thinks Sam will never love him and never loved Valerie in the first place.
** Danny/Valerie shippers frequently claim Sam is some kind of manipulative shrew who thinks of Danny as a tool for her own agendas. It got even worse after [[Victorious Childhood Friend|the finale.]]
* ''[[The Fairly Odd Parents]]'': Timmy/Trixie shippers end up bashing Tootie, and Timmy/Tootie shippers bash Trixie. It is mostly Trixie and Tootie fans who do the bashing... In one fanfic, known as "Trixie's True Self 2", Tootie even went to the evil side -- something she would never do on the show -- after Timmy started dating a new tomboy-fied Trixie. It is even said to happen [[Armed With Canon|with the writers]].
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** A reversed situation happened with Harry/Gwen. When Gwen starts dating Harry, it's clear that she's doing so just because she feels sorry for [[The Woobie|him.]] Shippers agreed with her decision [[Break the Cutie|(Harry went through some Grade-A Shit last season)]] and they waited patiently for them to break-up so we could get to the Peter/Gwen. Just when the build-up to the fabled ship arrived, Harry found out Gwen's true feelings and became jealous. Then another woobie moment happens, and Harry decides to [[Kick the Dog]] by manipulating Gwen into staying with him to "ease the pain," though it's evident he's just jealous of Peter. Shippers promptly went to war.
*** In conclusion: ''Spectacular Spider-Man'' shippers are some of the sanest out there. And therefore the most horrifying. * shudder*
* A great number of fans of the movie ''[[Felidae]]'' are huge fans of the Francis/Felicity pairing even though {{spoiler|Felicity is [[Family -Unfriendly Death|brutally decapitated]] only minutes after she's introduced in the film}} and {{spoiler|the cat Francis had sex with in the film is the one who becomes his mate.}} It probably has something to do with the fact that Felicity is set up as a sweet naive [[Ill Girl]] {{spoiler|shortly before she dies}}. By contrast, {{spoiler|Nhozemptekh}} - exotically pretty as she may be - is unfortunately given little character development beyond being a [[Nubile Savage]] in kitty form.
** Justified in that the film ''is'' about cats, who are more interested in plain ol' sex rather than anything romantic. Too bad the fans don't realize this...
* Many shippers of the Jake/Rose relationship in ''[[American Dragon Jake Long]]'' became irate when Jake flirted with a certain pink-hat wearing girl because she was a girl who Jake was attracted to and [[One True Pairing|who was not Rose]]. She was even speculated be the "Siren" of a later episode and working for the [[Big Bad|Dark Dragon]]. As the show played out, however, the girl proved to be nothing more than an extra with a few lines.
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** Isabella gets this from time to time for her crush on [[Cheerful Child|Phineas]], especially from [[Not Blood Siblings|Phineas/Ferb]] shippers.
* Trent of ''[[Total Drama Island (Animation)|Total Drama Island]]'' '''used''' to be bashed by people who would rather see Gwen and Cody together, often portrayed as a [[Jerkass|shallow, abusive jerk]]. The hate has more or less ended now that they broke up on the show (ironically for the opposite reason - he was ''too'' clingy and needy).
** Another major [[Ship to Ship Combat|Shipping War]] lately: [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold|Dun]][[Launcher of a Thousand Ships|can]]/[[Well, Excuse Me, Princess!|Cour]][[Tsundere|tney]] vs. [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold|Dun]][[Launcher of a Thousand Ships|can]]/[[Perky Goth|Gw]][[Tsundere|en]]. A rare example when the writers took away Duncan/Courtney's canon status and gave it to Duncan/Gwen.
** Sierra gets crucified for her massive crush on Cody (Though there are [[Stalker With a Crush|other]] [[The Scrappy|reasons]] to dislike their relationship even if you don't ship him with someone else). In fact, it already happened when Beth kissed Cody on the cheek as he was voted off (few people like Beth/Cody). He's one popular dude: he's been [[Launcher of a Thousand Ships|shipped with just about every girl]] at least once, [[Ho Yay|though not nearly as often as with]] [[Ambiguously Gay|Noah]].
** Alejandro (the new male contestant) gets quite a lot of hate from Harold/Leshawna, Geoff/Bridgette and Tyler/Lindsay shippers, and anybody who ships Heather with anybody else. Of course, this is sort of a [[Justified Trope]] with [[Official Couple|everyone but Heather]]---he never had any interest in those other girls, he was just toying with them for his own villainous purposes.
** Owen's growing dislike-dom largely overlaps with those who pair Izzy with anyone else. It ''really'' doesn't help that he once had a [[What the Hell, Hero?]] moment when he pushed her in front of a serial killer to save his own life. This has died down after they broke up in the actual series... only instead of keeping him and Izzy together, fan works use this as a way to quickly pair up Izzy with someone else.
** Geoff is sort of an unusual example - TDA turned him into a massive [[Jerkass]] and came ''very close'' to breaking him and Bridgette up, but he pulled a [[Heel Face Turn]] by the end of the season and won her back. Still, those who want to pair Bridgette with somebody else sometimes just use that as an excuse, creating an AU where he stayed a jerk.
** There are many reasons for Total Drama fans to hate Heather. One of them is being seen as a threat to Harold/Leshawna shippers.
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* Oh God, [[Wild Kratts]]. It was BAD. Youtube was the real warzone for a while, until one user put their foot down and put a stop to the bashing. It then moved to Fanfiction, up until yet another user put their foot down. The [[Vocal Minority]] were basically terrorists, [[Fan Dumb|claiming]] that the show has evidence (which was parodied in another Youtube video, which has just as much "evidence" as [[One True Pairing|Martin/Aviva]]). And poor Chris. Poor, poor Chris, who did nothing wrong, was [[Dropped a Bridge On Him|victimized]], all for being Martin's brother. The only way to stop it is to fight fire with fire. It's beginning to look like the [[Vocal Minority]] are indeed [[Sock Puppet|sock puppets]] of the same person...
** Confirmed. The [[Vocal Minority]] count is set to 4 total- that person created approximately 20 sockpuppets. [[Brain Bleach|Woe upon us all...]]
* Even the [[No Hugging, No Kissing|romance free]] [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|Ponies]] aren't safe from this. Miss Cheerilee used to be a well liked background pony. Then the synopsis for the episode "Happy Hearts and Hooves Day" said she would be going on a date with Big Macintosh. Since Big Macintosh was a [[Launcher of a Thousand Ships]], the fallout from FlutterMac, TwiMac, and [[Ho Yay|CarMac]] etc shippers was ''vicious'', even in spite of the fact that (a) it was an episode about the Cutie Mark Crusaders setting up the pair, and everything they do is usually an adorable failure, (b) ultimately, the episode ended on a ''very'' ambiguous [[Maybe Ever After]], and (3) any other hints of a continued relationship between Cheerilee and Big Mac were never mentioned or spoken of again. But try telling that to those wishing death on Cheerilee and calling her among other things, a scarlet woman (because according to the fandom, she is older than Big Macintosh).
** There's some of this between people who ship Rainbow Dash with Applejack and people who ship her with Pinkie Pie.
*** [[The Long List|And people who ship her with Twilight and people who ship her with Fluttershy and people who ship her with Spitfire and people who ship her with Gilda.]]
* [[Young Justice (TV)|Young Justice]] is getting a lot of this in light of the recent timeskip for Season 2, "Invasion." Every [[Fan Girl]] who has shipped Superboy and Miss Martian together are all up in arms over their breakup, and her being with Lagoon Boy. There is so much hate for poor La'gann that it's starting to turn into [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks|hate for the show in general]] as far as they're concerned. Those fans of the show who remember the [[MST3K Mantra]] have started referring to them as [[Fan Community Nickname|"Keezy Fem,"]] a derrogatory term in [[Legion of Super Heroes|Interlac]], used [[In Universe]] by [[Lobo]] in reference to [[Wonder Girl]] and [[Batgirl]], who were in his way on a bounty-hunting job in the first episode of Season 2.
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