Digging Yourself Deeper: Difference between revisions

quote cleanup, Comicbooks->Comic Books
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== Anime & Manga ==
* [[Schoolgirl Lesbians|Kaorin]] has this one in ''[[Azumanga Daioh]]: [[Updated Rerelease|Supplementary Materials]]'':
{{quote|'''Kaorin''': ''(Sigh) [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo|Sakaki]] is [[Fan Girl|so cool]]...''<br />
'''Osaka''': ''[[The Cuckoolander Was Right|Kaorin, are you gay?]]''<br />
'''Kaorin''': ''[[You Keep Using That Word|The correct term is lesbian]]! [[That Came Out Wrong|Uh, not that I'm a lesbian]]!! ''(next strip)'' It's just, you know, [[Romantic Two-Girl Friendship|a teenage thing]]. That's all. Anyway, that's not what I meant when I said she was cool. Just to prove it, [[If It's You It's Okay|I wouldn't mind if she was a guy]]!''<br />
''([[Beat]])''<br />
'''Osaka''': Huh? }}
* Happens in an [[Baker's Dozen|extra episode]] of ''[[Durarara!!]]'', when some poor sod attempts to talk down [[Hair-Trigger Temper|Shizuo]] with flattery and compares him to a really popular [[Bishonen]] actor, Yuuhei Hanejima. Unfortunately for him, said actor is actually Shizuo's little brother, whom Shizuo is ''[[Big Brother Instinct|very]]'' protective of, and he instinctively interprets the namedrop as an attempt to invade Yuuhei's privacy through him. Of course, since the poor sod doesn't know this, he just thinks Shizuo's suddenly angry because he ''hates'' Yuuhei—so he [[Like a Weasel|rescinds his previous statement and calls Yuuhei an asshole.]] The only thing surprising about [[Unstoppable Rage|what happens next]] is that the poor sod actually ''survived''.
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== ComicbooksComic Books ==
* A ''stunningly awkward'' moment for Nurse Annie in issue #421 of ''Uncanny [[X-Men]]'', doubling as a bit of a [[Freudian Slippery Slope]].
* Chad from 'Patty's Perps' in ''[[Knights of the Dinner Table]]'' is a master of this.
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{{quote|'''Beetle:''' My armor should be able to track the watchamatrix's energy sig, but the tracking's all kaflooey. Probability-alteration factor, maybe?...I'm sorry! I'm not making excuses. I swear! I know you hate excuses! I'm trying, I promise! I just-
'''Batman:''' Jaime... Relax.
'''Beetle:''' ...Ohmygodyou'renotreallyBatman... [[Did I Just Say That Out Loud?|OhgodIsaidthatoutloud]]...<br />
'''Batman:''' Jaime...<br />
'''Beetle:''' ''What?'' <small>Don't kill me</small>. }}
* Rocky (from the Swedish furry comic, not the boxer) once gets into this when meeting his current girlfriend's father (I think it was...). He wants to compliment him on his house, but makes a [[Freudian Slip]] and substitutes "dick" for "house", and then it gets worse. The girlfriend's father shuts him up with the wonderful comeback: "Kid, if you've put your foot in your mouth, at least have the sense to stand still!"
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{{quote|"Aw, I bet if you hadn't stopped him he would have gone on like that forever!"}}
** This exchange from 5.15 'Remnants', as Richard Woolsey sees that a women he's been flirting with found his balcony hang-out spot:
{{quote|'''Woolsey''': [[Accidental Innuendo|You’ve approached my private spot!]]<br />
'''Woman''': ...What?<br />
'''Woolsey''': I mean you’ve entered my little personal area. <br />
[[[Beat]]]<br />
'''Woolsey''': ...This is where I come... to be alone with my thoughts. }}
* Robert did this at least once on ''[[Everybody Loves Raymond]]''. Amy invites Stefania over to a singles party because she thought Peter might like her, but Robert is not happy with her arrival.
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'''Kate''': That depends.
'''Tony''': On what?
'''Kate''': On who I'm sleeping with... (''she turns around and [[Right Behind Me|runs into Gibbs]]'') Oh uhh, I didn't mean that the way it sounded. Tony just asked me what I would do if a man came into my bedroom and I said it depends. I mean it doesn't depend on the man... Tony could you help me out here please?<br />
'''Tony''': She sleeps with a gun boss.<br />
'''Gibbs''': That true?<br />
'''Kate''': Sorta... sometimes... yes.<br />
'''Gibbs''': Good girl! }}
** Another from ''[[NCIS]]'', after the Director has suggested that Gibbs has "really pissed somebody off":
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* ''[[True Blood]]'' gave us this priceless exchange between best friends Jason and Hoyt:
{{quote|'''Jason:''' Hoyt, I had sex with Jessica.
'''Hoyt:''' (obviously hurt) [[Bros Before Hoes|How?]]<br />
'''[[The Ditz|Jason]]:''' Well, first we did it missionary, then doggystyle, then...<br />
'''Hoyt:''' (clocks him square in the face) I MEANT HOW COULD YOU?! }}
* On ''[[The Muppet Show]]'', Miss Piggy tells [[Danny Kaye]] how thrilled she is to meet him. Danny says that they've actually met before, which she might not remember because it was a long, long time ago. Then he realizes women don't like to be reminded of their ages, and says it was back when she was thin. The punchline comes during their subsequent musical number: "I'm sorry I said I knew you when you were thin. I ''never'' knew you when you were thin."
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== Theater ==
* ''[[Cyrano De Bergerac]]'': Act IV, Scene IV gives us this gem: After De Guiche informs the cadets the [[Last Stand]], Cyrano offers Christian the goodbye letter he has prepared for Roxane, [[Blatant Lies|whom Cyrano has implied he does not love]]. Christian sees a spot in the letter and asks Cyrano why he has wept a tear on the letter:
{{quote|'''Cyrano''': Oh!. . .[[Death Seeker|death itself is hardly terrible,. . .]] <br />
[[Fate Worse Than Death|—But, ne'er to see her more! That is death's sting!]] <br />
—For... I shall never... <br />
''(Christian looks at him):'' We shall... <br />
''(Quickly):'' I mean, you... <br />
'''Christian''' ''(snatching the letter from him):'' Give me that letter! }}
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'''Mort:''' Y'know, It's probably because you're so attractive. I noticed that about you when we first met.
'''Antimony:''' Oh?
'''Mort:''' Oh! I uh... I don't mean you're attractive... I mean, like a [[Weirdness Magnet|magnet]]... or a [[I See Dead People|medium]]... Haha... Yeah. Ah! B... But I don't mean you aren't... I mean you look really... I... Uh... Oh geez...<br />
*turns into a tombstone with a picture of a foot going into a mouth*
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'''Jhalm:''' Do you ''deny'' that you were speaking on friendly terms with it?
'''Digger:''' No! But that's a recent development! We weren't friends before she attacked you!
'''Digger:''' ''([[Face Palm]])'' Hang on, ''that'' [[That Came Out Wrong|didn't come out right at all...]]<br />
'''Jhalm:''' An interesting criterion for friendship, ''Honored Digger.'' }}
* In ''[[Everyday Heroes]]'', the local [[Goth]] girls refer to Summer's friend as "the Blessed Virgin Carrie". Carrie ignores it, but Summer and Uma try to [http://www.webcomicsnation.com/eddurd/everydayheroes/series.php?view=single&ID=165467 explain why she should be insulted] ... and end up invoking this trope.
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* ''[[Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman]]'' had this one from one:
{{quote|'''Bruce:''' "Working late again?"
'''Roxanne:''' "Yeah. Fortunately my boyfriend is very understanding. What about yours?" *pause* "Girlfriend, I mean! Of course, girlfriend! I mean, considering your reputation and- [[Not That There's Anything Wrong with That|NOT that it's]] ''[[Not That There's Anything Wrong with That|bad]]'' [[Not That There's Anything Wrong with That|or anything]] or even any of my business, because it's not, I was just curious!" *stops suddenly* "How red is my face?"<br />
'''Bruce:''' (cheerfully) "Crimson." }}
* Averted by Kevin in ''[[Ben 10: Ultimate Alien]]'' after he tells Gwen that you need to treat a car like you treat a woman. Gwen asks him to go on, but he wisely drops the idea.