Digging Yourself Deeper: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| '''Alex''': You tell us everything, and I mean '''everything'''. Well, not everything, actually. Just the stuff about you and your friends and things. None of that birds and bees stuff. We already know all that, and besides, it's kind of icky.}}
* Mort from ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court]]'' falls into this when [http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/archive_page.php?comicID=158 speculating] on why Antimony can see [[Psychopomp|The Guides]]:
{{quote| '''Mort:''' Y'know, It's probably because you're so attractive. I noticed that about you when we first met.<br />
'''Antimony:''' Oh?<br />
'''Mort:''' Oh! I uh... I don't mean you're attractive... I mean, like a [[Weirdness Magnet|magnet]]... or a [[I See Dead People|medium]]... Haha... Yeah. Ah! B... But I don't mean you aren't... I mean you look really... I... Uh... Oh geez...<br *turns into a tombstone with a picture of a foot going into a mouth* }}/>
*turns into a tombstone with a picture of a foot going into a mouth*
* An essential part of <s>Hannelore</s> the whole cast from ''[[Questionable Content]]''
* Piro of ''[[Megatokyo]]'' tends to do this a lot. [http://megatokyo.com/strip/221 Some times are worse than others.]
* Jeremy from ''[[Dead Winter]]'', [http://deadwinter.cc/page/189.htm here].
* [http://darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0318.html This] ''[[Darths and Droids]]'', in which Jim gets mixed up between talking in character and out of character, as well as whether Padme is telling Anakin she loves him, or whether he's telling Annie that he loves her.
* Inherent to ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]''. Usually with Tagon, who has done this not only with a compliment to Breya, but his [http://www.schlockmercenary.com/d/20060713.html2006-07-13 defence in a trial] as well.
{{quote| '''Tagon''': I'm not stopping until this hole goes straight through.}}
* [[Lackadaisy Cats|Mitzi]], realizing that [[Crazy Awesome|Rocky's]] been saying that she might've offed her husband tried to reassure Wick that's not the case, but ends up making a lot of joking remarks about offing Rocky.
{{quote| '''Mitzi''': Uh... you stopped rowing.}}
* Used as a visual metaphor in ''[[Flying Suit Reiko]]'', when one character awkwardly confesses his FA/Feederism fetish to his girlfriend. His thought balloons have him digging a hole deeper and deeper. When she finally tells him it's okay and she likes it too, his visual metaphor is raised out of the pit by an oil geyser.
* ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'' has a character "[[Hero with an F In Good|good]]" in this -- Abraham, who managed to rile Raven more with every phrase as he tried to explain himself. He'sThere absentare forno now,tongue butslips Elliot- somehoweverything he says is completely intentional [http://www.egscomics.com/?date=2010-04-23 found]he hisjust doesn't realize that he's hitting another one of Raven's [[IdiotBerserk BallButton|Berserk Buttons]] with every passing sentence.
** He's absent for now, but Elliot somehow [http://www.egscomics.com/?date=2010-04-23 found] his [[Idiot Ball]].
** The Abraham example is interesting because there are no tongue slips - everything he says is completely intentional - he just doesn't realize that he's hitting another one of Raven's [[Berserk Button|Berserk Buttons]] with every passing sentence.
* ''[[Digger]]'' has a hilariously cringe-inducing example, split across three pages:
{{quote| '''Jhalm:''' Honored Digger... Almost, I could believe I had misjudged you. Except that this very morning, I received a report from one of the Veiled, that you were seen to be consorting with a hyena creature, not half a mile from this spot. The '''very same creature''' that attacked me a few days ago.<br />
Line 330 ⟶ 333:
'''Scratch:''' In fact, if I were in your presence now, I would offer you candy to prove it. }}
* Some people, like Larisa in ''[[Sandra and Woo]]'', just [http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2010/06/07/0171-guilty-as-defended/ shouldn’t try to defend themselves...]
* ''[[Misfile]]:'' Rumisiel manages to pull this big time when [http://www.misfile.com/?page=1870 talking to Dr. Upton about his daughter.] The comic provides a nice visual metaphor for what he's doing, pictured on top of this page.
* ''[[Eerie Cuties]]'', after magical shenanigans gave Nina [[She's All Grown Up|grown up figure]] for a while and Layla's "fiance" began swooning in her direction too... he [http://www.eeriecuties.com/strips-ec/only_the_best_for_you tries to be sweet with Layla]. "It was a two-for-one sale" ''cannot'' help his case.
== Western Animation ==