Digimon Savers: Difference between revisions

Yggdrasil is his full name.
(Mistake. Reference to Japanese version.)
(Yggdrasil is his full name.)
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** Fans of [[S-Cry-ed]] will notice that Masaru is basically Kazuma in a Digimon series, both because of his personality (and tendency to punch things larger than himself) and his [[Soichiro Hoshi|voice]]. And the all the punching. Did we mention that?
* [[Affably Evil]]: Kurata flips from being this to being [[Faux Affably Evil]] during the confrontation with Merukimon.
* [[AI Is a Crapshoot]]: {{spoiler|King DrasilYggdrasil, at least the 'true form' that appears in the finale.}}
* [[All Your Base Are Belong to Us]]: DATS headquarters is blown up at the climax of episode 26, destroying all the equipment along with it and forcing the heroes to find an alternative means of getting to the Digital World.
* [[Alternative Foreign Theme Song]]: "When you have to face the fight..."
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* [[Determinator]]: Marcus
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: {{spoiler|Marcus, ''literally''. And it broke. And that ''still'' isn't the most ridiculous of his punches.}}
** Possibly subverted {{spoiler|in the end. Even though DrasilYggdrasil was apparently defeated, he appears to Marcus and Agumon at the end, telling them that he intends to go to sleep and watch over them as they try to make a world for both humans and Digimon. So, even after all that, they couldn't completely kill DrasilYggdrasil.}}
** He practically makes a living out of doing this. Nearly every Digimon he successfully punches is nearly nine times his size and could obliterate a small army single-handedly. If ever someone deserved the title "[[Most Likely to Punch Out Cthulhu]]", its this guy.
* [[Degraded Boss]]: When first introduced, Gizamon was thrashing no less than ''three'' Ultimate (Perfect) level digimon while Gizamon was only in its Champion (Adult) form. This gets even worse after Gizamon is upgraded to its own Ultimate form, which all the other Gizamon in the series use. They subsequently end up being mowed down by the dozens by digimon of all levels afterwards and instead end up being used for a [[Zerg Rush]] rather than the impressive destructive power they're supposed to have.
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** Kurata is hinted as having one himself, though it's much less sympathetic seeing as it stems from him being [[The Sociopath|a sociopath]]. In addition to his fear of Digimon, he deeply resented Marcus's father, who he was originally assistant to, and believed Suguru/Spencer humiliated and slighted him during their time in the Digital World.
* [[Freudian Trio]]/[[Power Trio]]: Marcus as [[The McCoy|Id]], Thomas as [[The Spock|Superego]], Yoshi as [[The Kirk|Ego]].
* [[God Is Evil|God Is A Massively Pissed Off]] [[Anti-Villain]]: DrasilYggdrasil appears, and as per usual, he's a major baddie. In this case, however, he has [[Moral Event Horizon|a specific example to point to]] as a justification for his belief that [[Humans Are the Real Monsters]]. Having a monster like Kurata attempt a massive genocide on your subjects is a very valid reason to be ticked off. {{spoiler|[[Redemption Equals Death|And he makes a deathbed apology anyway.]]}}
* [[Good Old Fisticuffs]]: Marcus. Yes, he fights super-powered monsters on a regular basis with his ''bare hands''.
* [[Government Agency of Fiction]]: DATS
* [[Grand Theft Me]]: DrasilYggdrasil {{spoiler|occupying Spencer Damon's body.}}
* [[Gratuitous English]]: Gaomon's "Yes, Master!" Changed to "Sir, yes sir!" in Data Squad.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Keenan and Falcomon (of course), {{spoiler|Gotsumon via death induced amnesia, the Royal Knights, Nanami and Ivan.}}
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* [[The Men in Black]]
* [[Mad Scientist]]: Kurata. ''Oh God'', Kurata.
* [[Master Computer]]: The tree in which King DrasilYggdrasil resides is a mainframe. Don't ask Marcus what that means.
* [[Mechanical Monster]]: The Gizumon XT. Possibly also MirageGaogamon and ShineGreymon on the good side.
* [[Memento MacGuffin]]
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* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: Kurata pretends to be this during his first appearances, 'saving' the trio from SaberLeomon, opening the digital gates during the Digimon invasion, and persuading the director of DATS to begin negotiations with the Digimon leader Merukimon. But even here there are warning signs, as Commander Sampson and Kudamon point out later in the episodes 23 and 26.
* [[Recap Episode]]: Two, each right as one [[Story Arc]] ends and another begins.
* [[Robotic Reveal]]: {{spoiler|King DrasilYggdrasil's final form is a computer program that handles human-to-Digimon interactions. It then concludes that they cannot coexist and tries to start all over again, yelling [[Does Not Compute]] as it does so.}}
* [[Sacrificial Lion]]: This time, it's {{spoiler|1=SaberLeomon AND BanchoLeomon.}} Yes, you're reading it right, they did it {{spoiler|twice.}} Merukimon, Baronmon, Eldradimon and even ShineGreymon also become victims of this trope, the first three to the data-deleting Gizumon species, and the last one to the corrupted Burst Mode.
* [[Sealed Evil in a Can]]: Belphemon's Digi-egg was discovered and captured by Kurata during his second visit to the Digital World. He took it back and incubated it until it hatched into Belphemon Sleep Mode, and then fed Belphemon digital energy until he could use it as leverage.