Digimon Savers: Difference between revisions

BanchoLeomon is what Data Squad uses.
(Yggdrasil is his full name.)
(BanchoLeomon is what Data Squad uses.)
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* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]: In episode 10, Kristy is embarrassed by Marcus' behavior and makes some specific wishes that end up with him getting hurt. Shortly afterwards, a [[Literal Genie]] of a Digimon makes them happen. One of her wishes was that Marcus should get squished by an oil tanker.
* [[Bishonen Line]]: Digimon Savers is in love with this. Agumon, Gaomon, Lalamon and Falcomon all have humanoid Ultimate/Mega stages. Most of the supporting DATS Digimon, Kamemon and the two Chessmon, manage to pull this off, though they only reach the Perfect/Ultimate level. Even Gizumon pulls one.
** That's just the Digimon shown evolving onscreen. Most of the Royal Knights, two of the three Hyper Bio-Hybrids and BantyoLeomonBanchoLeomon all have [[Bishonen Line|Bishonen lines]] in the expanded universe materials.
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: {{spoiler|Par for course, all Digimon return home and leave their friends behind after the final [[Big Bad]] is beaten. However, at least in this case, Marcus gets to stay with his by going along and has his happy ending. And since the Digimon ''chose'' to go this time, there's nothing saying the split up is for good and Marcus' intention is to make the Digital World good for humans and Digimon, so it's not as bittersweet as most.}}
* [[Bowdlerization]]: In the dub, the BomberNanimon/Citramon episode. Unsurprisingly, this was the result of [[Executive Meddling]]. If Jeff Nimoy had not done this, Disney was going to cut the episode. However, some actually enjoy this change out of its [[Refuge in Audacity|sheer audacity]].
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* [[Dirty Coward]]: Kurata. His hatred of Digimon actually started out as simple fear. After SaberLeomon attacked the expedition (because of HIM) he decided that all Digimon were dangerous and needed to be eliminated. {{spoiler|1=''Really'' shows during his final fight with the heroes after ShineGreymon digivolves to Burst Mode and turns the tables on him. He goes from a [[Smug Snake]] to begging for his life.}}
* [[Disney Death]]: Subverted. {{spoiler|Originally, ''Savers'' looked to follow the convention set by ''[[Digimon Adventure|Adventure]]''/''[[Digimon Adventure 02|02]]'' & ''[[Digimon Frontier|Frontier]]'': Digimon don't really ''die''. They just revert back into eggs, from which they will hatch again and restart life anew, with no memory of anything that happened to them previously (except when they ''do'' remember); DATS "killed" Digimon in this way all through the first arc. But then Kurata develops a way to ''permanently'' kill Digimon, and embarks on a mission of genocide...Also had a [[Double Subversion]], when Agumon is killed. He does revert back into an egg, and Marcus is repeatedly warned that when he hatches, he won't remember anything about their life together; it really will be just like he died. However, this ends up being untrue, and Agumon and Marcus are happily reunited. Possibly foreshadowed by Piyomon earlier: apparently, exposure to humans and a Digisoul can break the rules.}}
* [[Disappeared Dad]]: Because Marcus's dad went into the Digital World in order to retrieve Keenan, and then {{spoiler|1=had his body possessed by Yggdrasil while his soul went into BantyoLeomonBanchoLeomon.}}
* [[Distant Finale]]: less controversial than [[Digimon Adventure 02|another]] [[Distant Finale]] in the series.
* [[Double Knockout]]: Marcus and Agumon