Digital Devil Saga/YMMV: Difference between revisions

Bi the Way is NOT a YMMV trope
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(Bi the Way is NOT a YMMV trope)
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* [[Bi the Way]] - {{spoiler|Some players interpret Heat this way because of how he calls Seraph "cute" when you talk to him at The Sun.}}
* [[Complete Monster]] - Serph Sheffield is a [[Manipulative Bastard]] who manipulates everyone and anything around him, including convincing an innocent girl called Sera he honestly cares about her, all in his quest to [[A God Am I|reach the power of God]]) He uses Sera's growing love for him to push her [[Psychic Powers]] into further maturation, only to express disgust at Seras creation of a virtual paradise consisting of AIs she uses to escape the pain of his experiments. When Colonel Beck proposed to change Seras paradise into a training simulation for creating stronger AIs, Serph overrides Heat O'Brien's warning against destroying Seras mental condition and tells Beck to proceed. After a desperate Heat pulls a gun and demands the project to stop, Serph tells Heat that a human's mind is no different than a machine, and that his subjects, including Sera, [[We Have Reserves|were expendable and could be replaced]], before manipulating Argilla into killing Heat. After being turned into a demon by a heartbroken Sera, sending a massive data surge into the now black Sun, Serph goes on a killing spree starting with Beck and Argilla before being killed offscreen. Refusing to accept that he is dead, he re-appears at the EGG facility as Solar Data and tries to kill the AI Serph and Heat while proclaiming to have the power of God. A cruel and manipulative young man, his actions are largely responsible for the disasters plaguing the series.
* [[Damsel Scrappy]]: Sera until {{spoiler|she [[Took a Level in Badass|gains Atma powers]].}}