Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency/Fridge

Fridge Brilliance

  • I had to read the Douglas Adams book Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency at least twice before I realized that everything in the entire book tied together and led logically to the conclusion. Every. Single. Thing. Even things you thought were throwaway one-liner jokes. Even lines you'd completely forgotten. EVERYTHING. -Calla
    • The same thing happened to me. It wasn't until I happened to be reading a section out loud for a public speaking course that I spotted the significance of the name "Albert Ross". - Elan
    • During rereading chapter two of the book, I finally realised that one of the paragraphs implied that the Electric Monk was actually built by aliens and was designed in a way that just so happened to make it look like a human. That also explains why donkeys would have to "be built" like the chapter says they are. The whole chapter takes place on an alien planet and presumably donkeys don't exist on it, hence why the aliens had to make them. It also explains the pink sand and a whole ton of other things which I hadn't even thought about beforehand. Now I can't tell if all those facts should be obvious while reading it and I'm just stupid, or if the writing really is just that cryptic. -evans T
      • Oh my god. I hadn't even spotted that one before. "There's a planet where the dust is just the right colour..." - Calla