Dirty Harry: Difference between revisions

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** Callahan also resorts to lethal force only in self-defense and when facing extremely dangerous criminals (like the psychopathic Scorpio). He is perfectly happy if the criminals end up behind bars instead of six feet under. The first scene when ''do I feel lucky'' speech appears shows this well. Callahan actually taunts the robber to grab the gun, so he might could him in self-defense, but leaves calmly when the robber yields, even though seconds earlier the latter tried to kill and even managed to wound Harry.
*** Harry isn't trying to taunt the robber into grabbing the gun so he can shoot him; he's bluffing him into giving it up because ''Harry's gun is empty''.
** In fact, Harry never once, throughout the entire series, ever kills a person illegally. ''Every'' time he puts a bullet in someone it is a perfectly justified police shooting, by the normal law enforcement rules of engagement. The only reason he gets hassled by the system over it so much is because his boss is an asshole.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: Scorpio seems to suffer it every time his plans are thwarted, like when he is caught and shot in the leg by Callahan in the stadium.
* [[Wag the Director]]: Eastwood apparently took over a lot of the directorial duties on ''Magnum Force'' after the director that they originally hired turned out not to be up to the job.