Ditch the Bodyguards: Difference between revisions

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* [[Played With]] in the ''[[Tintin]]'' album ''[[Tintin/Recap/The Calculus Affair|The Calculus Affair]]'', while staying in Borduria as supposed "guests" of the state, Tintin and Haddock get their "bodyguards" drunk so that they can escape.
* In the recent ''[[Batman]]'' storyline, "Bruce Wayne: The Road Home", Vicki Vale does this in just about every early chapter, thinking she isn't in too much danger ''[[To Dumb To Live|just because]]'' she wants to reveal the secret identities of the entire Bat-Family. It isn't until a disguised Bruce Wayne Batman is able to snatch her away and tell her the severity of the situation is she able to settle down slightly.
** Bruce Wayne actually averted this trope during the run-up to No Man's Land. When the board of directors for Waynetech hired a bodyguard -- Sasha Bordeaux -- for their wayward chairman of the board and business concerns made it impossible for him to refuse the offer, he faced a rather serious complication in that a high-end executive bodyguard will quite naturally want to know where their charge is at all times and Bruce needs to be able to sneak out and go be Batman. However, Bruce is intelligent enough to realize that repeatedly sneaking away from Sasha will only arouse her suspicions, and so deals with the problem simply by observing her carefully until he decides whether he can trust her with his secret or not... and then trusting her with his secret.
== [[Fan Fiction]] ==