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Differs from [[The Dog Bites Back]] in that that is a form of [[Karmic Death]], while with this one, the hero deliberately sets it up. A subtrope of [[Throw'em to the Wolves]].
== Comic Books ==
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* In one of the grimmer Batman story arcs, the Dark Knight is captured by a cult and brainwashed into helping them kill their way through Gotham. He manages to break free and later returns to bring down the leader, [[Complete Monster|Deacon Blackfire]]. Knowing that giving Blackfire a well-deserved death would only serve to make him a martyr, Batman focuses on causing as much pain with every blow as possible. Eventually Blackfire breaks and begs for mercy, in front of the throngs of cultists. The fatal element of this is that part of Blackfire's creed that he hammered into the heads of his kidnapped followers was that their substantial suffering was insignificant in the greater scheme of things. To show himself to be weak and submissive enraged the people that had suffered greatly for him, and the disillusioned cultists tore him apart so ferociously that nothing identifiable remained.
* ''[[Nextwave]]'': The squad does this by accident. Upon de-transforming a police officer who had been changed into a giant mecha, they leave him in the care of a crowd that claims to be his friends. In his weakened state, they don't notice his panicked eyes and whispered protests, and don't know that the cop is extremely corrupt and they just handed him over to the people he's been terrorizing and extorting for the last twenty years.
* ''[[X-Man]]'': In issue 66, Nate Grey learns that the monster from whom he'd been defending a group of mutant [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]s was targeting them because they stole his race's children in order to harvest and sell their organs, Nate executes most of the group himself, but he singles out the one who had come up with the idea to steal the children, and delivers her alive to the monster and his people.
* [[The Authority]] does this to one unnamed Indonesian general when he claims they wouldn't kill him as this would bring the rest of the world's governments on them. they reply that they won't do anything to him but drop him off (in the middle of a slum that had particularly suffered from his actions).
* In ''Incorruptible,'' Max Damage drops a gang of murderous white supremecists off in the middle of an ethnic neighborhood they terrorized.