Doctor Who/Recap/S28/E02 Tooth and Claw: Difference between revisions

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The remaining humans take refuge in the library, which the previous Laird had fortified against werewolves by soaking the wood in mistletoe oil. Now ''that's'' [[Crazy Prepared]]. Speaking of which, the Queen has thought to bring along the Koh-i-Noor diamond, which as it turns out was always meant to slot neatly into a telescope that -- again with the good fortune -- is not a telescope but a werewolf-melter. Also, the Queen suddenly has a cut on her hand after facing the wolf and refuses to show it to the Doctor. The Doctor realizes with glee that the royal family's unexplained and mysterious "haemophilia" may just suddenly a whole lot less unexplained and mysterious.
Queen Victoria knights both the Doctor and Rose, and then immediately banishes them for their knowledge of the stars (then being considered Heresy) and tells them to "leave her world". After they leave, she announces the foundation of the [[Torchwood (TV)|Torchwood Institute]]. The Doctor will rue ''this'' day.
== Tropes ==
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* [[Embarrassing Nickname]]: 'Timorous Beastie', anyone?
* [[Fingertip Drug Analysis]]
* [[Fully -Clothed Nudity]]: Rose.
* [[How's Your British Accent?|How's Your Scottish Accent?]] The Doctor briefly affects a Scottish accent (actor [[David Tennant]]'s own) in an attempt to pose as a Scot.
** Rose attempts this, and is so bad at it the Doctor's expression is literally pained.
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{{quote| '''Sir Robert:''' I'm sorry, Ma'am. It's all my fault. I should've sent you away. I tried to suggest something was wrong, I... thought you might notice. Did you think there was nothing strange about my household staff?<br />
'''Doctor:''' Well, they were bald, athletic, your wife's away... I just thought you were happy. }}
* [[Never Mess Withwith Granny]]: Queen Victoria, having already had several attempts on her life, carries a gun.
* [[Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping]]: An in-universe example; once the werewolf is unleashed, the resulting confusion causes the Doctor to forget that he's supposed to be using a Scottish accent, which Victoria eventually calls him out on. The story makes a strangely big deal out of the Doctor being able to easily change his accent though, considering it's widely accepted that you need to be able to pull off at least half a dozen different regional accents if you want to have any hope of becoming an actor in the UK, and therefore a much more common skill than the story would have us believe. (although, it may not have been that common during this particular time period)
** Considering that the Doctor had earlier introduced himself specifically as "Dr. James McCrimmon", at least part of Victoria's discomfort is the realization that the Doctor, in letting his accent slip, is ''obviously not who he claimed to be''. Actors usually have to pull off a number of regional accents; doctors generally ''don't''.
* [[Ominous Latin Chanting]]: In-universe. ''Lupus deus est...''
* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]]: They're aliens, in fact.
* [[Pre -Mortem One -Liner]]: Angelo doesn't think Victoria has it in her to kill him, and derisively calls her 'woman'.
{{quote| "The correct form of address is "your majesty"." ''(Bang!)''}}
* [[Requisite Royal Regalia]]: the Koh-i-Noor diamond is an actual Crown Jewel of Britain, though without any werewolf-melting properties (that we know about).
* [[Shaky POV Cam]]
* [[Shout-Out]]: a couple of references to [[Robert Burns (Creator)|Robert Burns]]' poem ''To A Mouse''.
** At the beginning of the episode, the Doctor tells Victoria's guard that he studied medicine with a Dr. Bell at the University of Edinburgh. Dr. Bell was one of Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle's teachers, and is likely the inspiration for [[Sherlock Holmes]].
** The Doctor claims to be "from the township of [[wikipedia:Balamory|Balamory]]"
** [[Firefly|"Captain Reynolds,"]] anybody?
* [[This Is No Time for Knitting]]: The Doctor asks Rose to help him with a giant telescope as they're being chased by a werewolf. Rose comments that it's hardly the time for stargazing. The Doctor replies, "Yes it is!" and uses the telescope to defeat the werewolf.
* [[Vertical Kidnapping]]: "[[Tempting Fate|And I'm telling you, I'll sleep well tonight with that thing's hide upon my wall.]]" *walks over, looks around* "Must have crawled away to [[Killed Mid -Sentence|diAAAARRRRGGGGHHH]]!!!"
* [[Victorian Britain]]
* [[Warrior Monk]]