Doctor Who: Difference between revisions

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** The Eleventh Doctor also saved both {{spoiler|Amy and Rory by dropping them off back home, having finally gotten [[Genre Savvy]] enough to realize the danger he puts them in}}.
** Amy and River are gender-inverted examples. River will {{spoiler|rip the world apart in order for the Doctor not to be killed}}, and Rory is the only thing that {{spoiler|convinces older!Amy to defy all laws of time}}.
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: Jake, from "Rise of the Cybermen"/"The Age of Steel", seems to love Ricky. A deleted scene would have confirmed it. An unusual case; since the show's return in 2005 (under openly gay producer Davies), most of the gay characters are not ambiguous in the least. Then there's the Silurian Madame Vastra and her 1880s1880's-era human maid Jenny in "A Good Man Goes to War", who in addition to being heavily teased as lesbians, are also an inter-species couple.
* [[An Asskicking Christmas]]: The Christmas specials.
* [[Ancient Astronauts]]: Earth has been visited a ''lot'' over its history. ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S13/E03 Pyramids of Mars|Pyramids of Mars]]'' is but one example.
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** Series 3 had various mentions of a Mr Saxon, evidently the a public office figure running for Prime Minister. {{spoiler|Who is later revealed to be the Master}}.
** Series 4 was chock full of them, tied together by a theme of things disappearing. First there was talk of vanishing bees, then planets, then moons, and finally Wilfred's "the stars are going out." {{spoiler|This all turned out to be due to the Daleks and their planet-stealing operation}}.
*** Unusually, Series 4 also had arc words specific to each of the two main characters. The Doctor had "she is returning,", while Donna Noble had the thoroughly unsettling "there's something on your back." In addition to that, The Doctor also referred to The Shadow Proclamation on several occasions before it was properly revealed.
** Series 5 had "cracks" which is spoken often but also emphasized visually. Near the end most episodes, after the Doctor had left, the camera would linger on some part of the scenery where a mysterious crack similar to the one that appeared in the first episode of the series had appeared, {{spoiler|later revealed to be a result of the TARDIS exploding on June 26 2010}}. The cracks played a more prominent role in some episodes than others.
** Several times in Series 6, a hatch opens in a nearby wall, revealing woman with a silver eyepatch, who says a few words to Amy and vanishes. {{spoiler|It's [[Names to Run Away From|Madame Kovarian]], who has abducted the real Amy and is trying to [[Doctor Who/Recap/S32/E07 A Good Man Goes to War|steal Amy's baby to raise as a]] [[Laser Guided Tykebomb]]}}.
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* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]:
** The Tenth Doctor practically personifies this trope. When pushed too far, he's been known to dish out a [[Fate Worse Than Death]] and even commit genocide.
** The mild, polite Fifth Doctor has one of the highest onscreen body counts for the entire series. He also looked on and did nothing while the Master ''burned alive.''.
** The goofy Seventh Doctor might blow up your planet, and he's not above using his own companions [[The Chessmaster|as pawns]].
** The Tenth Doctor didn't kill the members of the Family Of Blood; instead, he [[And I Must Scream|kept them alive but put them in hellish prisons that they cannot die in but cannot escape from]] because they [[Be Careful What You Wish For|wanted immortality]] at any cost.
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'''Companion:''' What does that mean?
'''Doctor:''' That means it's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.}}
* [[Big Labyrinthine Building]]: the TARDIS.
** Also the hotel in "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S32/E11 The God Complex|The God Complex]]"- complete with a Minotaur!
* [[Bi the Way]]: Jack Harkness, along with the rest of the 51st century.
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** However, Capt. Jack has been living in the UK for more than 100 years. Enough time to even learn Welsh.
** Peri, who was supposed to be American, only used British slang to avoid confusing British viewers.
** A Tennessee-born New Yorker in "Daleks in Manhattan" uses the word "lorry" instead of "truck.".
* [[British Series]]: Do we really need to explain?
* [[Broad Strokes]]: The series abandons and introduces new concepts and twists on old concepts that were never previously mentioned, and often never mentioned again. Big as it is, the series can get away with this easily.
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** Some companions also get their fair share. Notable examples from the revived series include Jack Harkness, Donna Noble and Rory Williams.
* [[Charm Person]]: Craig is certain the Eleventh has this power. Specifically, telling anyone to hush and them doing it.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: The Doctor's Hand. ''Three times.''.
** "The Christmas Invasion" (Dec 2005), it gets chopped off in a swordfight above Earth. It is (at some point) picked up by Captain Jack.
** ''[[Torchwood]]'', Series 1 (2006-07), Jack has a mysterious hand in a container for the entire first series.