Doctor Who: Difference between revisions

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'''Companion:''' What does that mean?
'''Doctor:''' That means it's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.}}
* [[Big Labyrinthine Building]]: theThe TARDIS.
** Also the hotel in "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S32/E11 The God Complex|The God Complex]]"- complete with a Minotaur!
* [[Bi the Way]]: Jack Harkness, along with the rest of the 51st century.
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* [[Death Is Cheap]]: The Master has [[Deader Than Dead|died on-screen without regenerating]] no less than {{spoiler|three}} times. It's never stopped him from coming back for more. The show doesn't even bother to explain why his possessed Trakenite body is alive again in ''The Mark of the Rani'', after burning to death in ''Planet of Fire''.
** The [[Russell T. Davies]] era has seen "The end of the Daleks" no less than three separate times, and yet everyone's still surprised when more Daleks show up. They wised up after a bit--out of those three "ends of the Daleks", two happened in Series 1. After that, they made a point of ensuring that at least one member of the Cult of Skaro survived each encounter, until Russell T Davies decided to go out with a bang and did them in again at the conclusion of Series 4. Naturally, this meant Steven Moffat had to go and dig them up again, but he's been careful to keep them alive since.
* [[Death Ray]]: ''Everywhere.''.
* [[Death Seeker]]: All of the incarnations of the Doctor following the Time War have shades of this.
* [[Deconstruction]]: Since its reboot in 2005, the show has been gradually deconstructing itself. The Doctor is, as always, an eccentric man with a saviour complex whose mystique both entices and frightens people, and these traits have increasingly tended towards tragedy for him. It started with realistic problems finding their way into the story, like a companion's family assuming her dead and the emotional fallout that resulted, and got worse. [[Russell T. Davies]] made a huge jab at the Doctor's character in "Midnight", when all of the Doctor's normal methods of controlling a situation backfire entirely, and he is almost killed because of it. Soon after, in "Journey's End", he is shown his "true colours" when his companions are prepared to destroy themselves and the Earth if need be to stop the Daleks' plan. Since [[Steven Moffat]] took over the show, things have only gotten bleaker at an increasing rate, and by the end of Series 6, the Doctor has practically lost all faith in himself and is basically a [[Death Seeker]].
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:In "The Eleventh Hour", he can tell the exact age of a shed by licking it.
:In "Day of the Moon", he can tell {{spoiler|where the TARDIS-blue envelopes from the previous episode were made from licking}}.
* [[Five-Man Band]]:
* [[Five-Man Band]]: During the Eleventh Doctor's era. [[The Hero]]: The TARDIS [[The Lancer]]: The Doctor. (the above two are interchangeable) [[The Big Guy]]: Rory Williams, {{spoiler|at least after he becomes the Centurion}}. [[The Smart Guy]]: River Song [[The Chick]]: Amy Pond
** During the Eleventh Doctor's era:
** During the Third Doctor's exile to Earth [[The Hero]]: The Doctor [[The Lancer]]: The Brigadier [[The Big Guy]]: Sergant Benton [[The Smart Guy]]: Liz Shaw/The Doctor [[The Chick]]: Jo Grant [[Sixth Ranger Traitor]]: Captain Yates
*** [[The Hero]]: The TARDIS.
** First Doctor's initial group [[The Hero]]: Barbara/Ian [[The Lancer]]: The Doctor [[The Big Guy]]: Ian [[The Chick]]: Susan [[The Smart Guy]]: The Doctor/Barbara [[Team Pet]]: The TARDIS
*** [[The Lancer]]: The Doctor (the above two are interchangeable).
** The Children of Time ("The Stolen Earth"/"Journey's End") [[The Hero]]: The Doctor [[The Lancer]]: Jack/Donna/Wilf [[The Smart Guy]]: The Doctor/Mickey [[The Chick]]: Rose/Martha [[The Big Guy]]: Jack
*** [[The Big Guy]]: Rory Williams, {{spoiler|at least after he becomes the Centurion}}.
*** [[The Smart Guy]]: River Song.
*** [[The Chick]]: Amy Pond.
** During the Third Doctor's exile to Earth:
*** [[The Hero]]: The Doctor.
*** [[The Lancer]]: The Brigadier.
*** [[The Big Guy]]: Sergant Benton.
*** [[The Smart Guy]]: Liz Shaw/The Doctor.
*** [[The Chick]]: Jo Grant.
*** [[Sixth Ranger Traitor]]: Captain Yates.
** First Doctor's initial group:
*** [[The Hero]]: Barbara/Ian.
*** [[The Lancer]]: The Doctor.
*** [[The Big Guy]]: Ian.
*** [[The Chick]]: Susan.
*** [[The Smart Guy]]: The Doctor/Barbara.
*** [[Team Pet]]: The TARDIS.
** The Children of Time ("The Stolen Earth"/"Journey's End"):
*** [[The Hero]]: The Doctor.
*** [[The Lancer]]: Jack/Donna/Wilfred.
*** [[The Smart Guy]]: The Doctor/Mickey.
*** [[The Chick]]: Rose/Martha.
*** [[The Big Guy]]: Jack.
* [[Flat What]]: Shows up from time to time.
** Pretty much a catchphrase for the Tenth Doctor.
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* [[Forever War]]: Sontarans versus the Rutans. It's been going on for 50,000 years as of "The Poison Sky", and is still going at least 10,000 years after ''that'' in ''The Sontaran Experiment'' with no end in sight. Both sides are perfectly fine with this.
* [[For the Funnyz]]: Leave it to the Doctor to make quips and resort to measures with an amusing/ironic edge.
* [[For Want of a Nail]] / [[In Spite of a Nail]]: Occasionally even in the same adventure.
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: The Master. Particularly so, since that he and the Doctor ''used'' to be friends as children on Gallifrey. Despite everything they do each other, they still want the other alive.
* [[Fun with Acronyms]]: Come ''on'' now... there's one that's been used several dozen times over on this page alone.
* [[Fur Bikini]]: Leela.
* [[Future Imperfect]]: Cassandra really really sucks at history. Highlights include believing the ostrich had a wingspan of 50 feet and was able to breathe fire, and thinking a jukebox is an iPod.
* [[Future Me Scares Me]]: The Valeyard.