Domu: A Child's Dream: Difference between revisions

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* [[Dumb Muscle]]: Little Jou is mentally retarded, but so strong that he can rip Sasaki in half in a rage.
* [[Even Better Sequel]]: Essentially. The loosely connected manga stories involving psychic powers by Otomo kept increasing in quality as time went on. First was a largely forgettable short story about the cops seen in this manga. That was followed by this, beautifully illustrated and written. Then came the classic [[Akira]], revolving around the government's attempts to copy the powers seen in this story for their own ends.
* [[Hair Decorations]]: Apparently even Otomo isn't immune to this trope. Etsuko holds her curly hair back with two little barrettes.
* [[Gory Discretion Shot]]: One of the policemen who arrives at the scenes of the apparent "suicides" remarks that it's far gorier than it should be, and another mentions that he's never eating spaghetti again. We have to take their word for it. Completely averted when Tsutomo kills himself with a utility knife, though.
* [[Hair Decorations]]: Apparently even Otomo isn't immune to this trope. Etsuko holds her curly hair back with two little barrettes.
* [[Locked Room Mystery]]: Why the police force is so frustrated. They discover that the door to the roof hasn't been used in years and is rusted shut. How could they have gotten up?
* [[Otaku]]: Tsutomo has been trying to get into college but can't because he is too obsessed with making model planes.