Donald Trump: Difference between revisions

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* [[Friendly Enemy]]: With Bernie Sanders, who attempted to get the Democrat party's nomination in 2016 but lost narrowly to Hillary Clinton. Trump repeatedly encouraged Sanders during the primary. The media universally acknowledged it was a transparent attempt to peel Bernie voters away from Hillary Clinton, though did not necessarily see it as untruthful. With a third party hacking revealing Democrat internal communications always talked as though Hillary would be the nominee the suggestion the primary was rigged wound up very appropriate.
* [[Humiliation Conga]]: Trump was on the receiving end of this from [[Barack Obama]] at the end of April 2011. On Wednesday, after Trump jumped on the "birther" issue, Obama released the long sought after "long form birth certificate", making Trump look somewhat foolish (though Trump boasted about how proud he was of getting the certificate released; he probably still didn't believe it). On the Saturday, Trump was the subject of more roasting than the President at the White House Correspondent's Dinner. And finally, on the Sunday night, just to make a bad week worse for Trump, ''[[The Apprentice (TV series)|Celebrity Apprentice]]'' [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|was interrupted]] for the news that Obama had ordered a successful raid and killing on Osama bin Laden.
* [[Implacable Man]]: Proclaimed by supporters with the unofficial slogan "Can't Stump the Trump", referencing what they see as an ability to have repeated (political) attacks just glance off of him instead of sticking like most candidates.
* [[Improbable Hairstyle]]: Apparently a mixture of a cross-grid combover and three cans of hairspray.
* [[Metaphorgotten]]: [ He opposes gay marriage because of new trends in golf putter preference.]
* [[The Nicknamer]]: The ability to push nicknames on people and make them stick is considered one of his greatest rhetorical strengths ofin his 2016 election campaign. The nicknames reflect basic sorting of threat levels, which more minor opponents being called "[[The Napoleon|Little]] Marco" or "Low Energy Jeb" while his biggest primary opponent was "Lying Ted" and general election opponent dubbed "Crooked Hillary"
* [[No Such Thing as Bad Publicity]]: Trump managed to sail through the 2016 Republican primary with minimal spending by ensuring the media '''never''' stopped stopped talking about him. Their constant airing hit pieces against him ensured that by the end of the primary ''everyone'' knew Trump wanted to build a border wall despite minimal ads on the subject.
* [[Nouveau Riche]]: To a degree. His father was a very successful low income housing developer in NYC, he sent Donald to Fordham, so his family was doing very well before. Donald just took his love of construction and everything else [[Up to Eleven]].