Dorudon Cosplay: Difference between revisions

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* [[Eyes of Gold]]: Kagami's planning on getting contacts.
* [[Five-Man Band]]:
{{quote| Deidara - [[The Hero]], <br />
Sasori - [[The Lancer]],<br />
Konan - [[The Smart Guy]],<br />
Kakuzu - [[The Big Guy]],<br />
Tobi - [[The Chick]],<br />
Hidan - [[The Sixth Ranger]] }}
* [[Freudian Trio]]: Deidara and Tobi as [[The Id]], Sasori as [[The Ego]] and Konan and Kakuzu as [[The Superego]].
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* [[Motor Mouth]]: Kagami can sing Ievan Polkka (Leekspin) sped up.
* [[Noodle Incident]]:
{{quote| '''Konan:''' I didn't understand you were a man until we-<br />
'''Deidara:''' Shut up, Konan! }}
** Also this one:
{{quote| '''Hidan:''' ''Who was it who broke into my house to sniff my underwear?!''}}
* [[Oddly Small Organization]]: Even smaller as the group only consists of five members.
* [[Ominous Music Box Tune]]: The intro to "Creepy Doll".