Draco in Leather Pants: Difference between revisions

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[[File:canonfanondrako_3385canonfanondrako 3385.jpg|link=Final Fantasy VII|frame|Because surely such a [[Sarcasm Mode|sweet little angel]] couldn't [[Tempting Fate|possibly be evil!]]]]
{{quote|''"I tell you, [[Satan]]'s gonna have no trouble taking over here 'cause all the women are gonna say: '[[All Girls Want Bad Boys|What a cute butt]].' 'He's Satan!' '[[Not Evil, Just Misunderstood|You don't know him like I do]].' 'He's the Prince of Darkness!' [[I Can Change My Beloved|'I can change him.']]"''|'''[[Bill Hicks]]''', ''Arizona Bay'' routine}}
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Common reasons for this include the character being wicked in a [[Wicked Cultured|classy]] or [[Evil Is Cool|cool]] way, or a deliberate contrast to a hero the fans find too [[Good Is Boring|squeaky-clean]], [[Good Is Dumb|stupid]], or [[What Measure Is a Non-Badass?|weak]]. A physically attractive character is much more likely to be subject to this trope than a physically ugly one; [[Beauty Equals Goodness]], after all, and shallow as it may be, it seems that, for some fans, this is the case even when the character's beauty only extends to their appearance.
[[Jerkass Dissonance]] usually plays a part in this trope; it is much easier for people to forgive and overlook the negative qualities and stress the [[Freudian Excuse|Freudian Excuses]]s that form a vaguely sympathetic back-story for fictional characters than it is to do the same for people in real-life, because the actions of the fictional character have no real-world effect.
Expect, also, for fans to make excuses for the character [[Karma Houdini|not getting any comeuppance for their sins]], and, for bonus points, gloat if one of [[The Scrappy|their hated]] and/or [[Ron the Death Eater|villainized characters]] gets the short stick instead, especially if the latter is the victim of the former.
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[[Misaimed Fandom]] is a closely related trope. The difference is that the [[Evil Is Sexy|sexiness]] [[Evil Is Cool|of evil]] is [[Do Not Do This Cool Thing|often anticipated]].
[[Loveable Rogue]] and [[Byronic Hero]], characters you're ''supposed'' to admire even if they do nothing remotely admirable, may be the inverse of this trope. [[Magnificent Bastard]] often applies to both tropes, but this is a lot less certain for [['''Draco in Leather Pants]]''' - he may be a character [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas|only a mother can love]]. [[Love Martyr|"I can fix him"]] is a commonly expressed sentiment among fans of [['''Draco in Leather Pants]]'''. See also [[Faux Affably Evil]], [[Affably Evil]], [[Foe Yay]], and [[No Yay]]. When this trope happens in the series itself, it's [[Screw the Rules, I'm Beautiful]]. See [[Rooting for the Empire]] for doing this and knowing it, and [[Jerk Sue]] for when the writer does this.
Sometimes, the creator of the original series may say "Sure, why not?", resulting in [[Sure Why Not|Ascended Leather Pants]]. May or may not result in [[And the Fandom Rejoiced]].
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Contrast [[Ron the Death Eater]]. Could be considering a branch of [[Springtime for Hitler]] because the character was made to be disliked but ends up as an extremely popular character
Character tropes related to/in danger of becoming [[Draco in Leather Pants|'''Dracos in Leather Pants]]''':
* [[Affably Evil]]
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[[Category:Arch Enemy]]
[[Category:Fanfic Tropes]]
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[[Category:Redemption Tropes]]
