Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Cameo]]: Van Williams (Britt Reid from the ''[[Green Hornet]]'' series) appears in the ''Green Hornet'' scene.
* [[Defeat Means Friendship]]: When a group of students (fueled by anti-Asian sentiment regarding a Dad being killed in the Korean War) attack Bruce at a gym he proceeded to wipe the floor with them. When it was over Bruce's empathy to his attacker ("I'm sorry about your Dad. But I'm American.") and fighting prowess impressed the group and they asked to be trained, starting Bruce on the path as an instructor.
* [[Flanderization]]: The version of ''Green Hornet'' they show. Yes, Cato was the [[Ensemble Darkhorse]] of the show, but the Hornet definitely did more than sit around uselessly, blurting "Good job, Cato!"
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: It is acknowledged that Bruce did study some philosophy while in college. He is also shown writing his book and combining the philosophical styles of many different martial arts.
* [[Homage]]: The fights in this movie are in the exact same style as Lee's films.