Dragon Age: Origins/Characters/Playable Characters: Difference between revisions

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** The City Elf Warden's Origin has the Male Warden taking revenge on Vaughn for the abduction of his bride and rape of his cousin, while the Female Warden kills her captors and cuts a bloody swathe to Vaughn, whom had planned to rape (and then murder) her.
** The Mage Warden can appear to display this towards Uldred for his atrocities in the Circle Tower.
* [["Join the Army," They Said|Join the Grey Wardens They Said]]
* [[Kleptomaniac Hero]]: You can enter any dwelling and help yourself to anything that isn't nailed down, even if you need to pick locks in the process. Unlike pickpocketing, this never antagonizes the inhabitants, with ''very few exceptions'' (these being, if the person who owns the place is afraid you will find the dead body they haven't had time to dispose of).
** The mage origin ends with your senior mage asking you if you took anything from the dungeon you were just in. Tell the truth, and he'll take away a staff you took.
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* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: As a scion of House Cousland, second-highest in precedence among the noble houses of Ferelden, the Human Noble is just one step under being a prince(ss), and {{spoiler|can actually become King or Queen of Ferelden by marrying Anora or Alistair (the Warden is Prince or Princess Consort in the epilogue only).}} The Dwarf Noble ''is'' royalty, the second child of King Endrin Aeducan of Orzammar and the exiled former-Commander of Orzammar's Army.
** The Human Mage is also part of the Amell nobility of Kirkwall, but is unaware of this because mages are legally forbidden to hold titles.
* [[SchrodingerSchrödinger's Player Character]]: Actually averted. No matter which of the Origin stories you choose to play, you'll come across hints in the main storyline that the others played out, with only the fact that Duncan happened to be around during your chosen origin story determining which of the potential player characters became the protagonist.
* [[He Who Must Not Be Seen|S/He Who Must Not Be Seen]]: The Warden's actions had a very notable impact on [[Dragon Age II]], and they will get brought up directly by Varric, indirectly by Flemeth, and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|the loading screen]]. Depending on your playthrough, they can also be mentioned by Anders, Merrill, Isabela, Bethany, Cullen, Nuncio, {{spoiler|Zevran, Alistair, Leliana, Nathaniel Howe, Sophia Dryden,}} a letter found in the Wounded Coast, an ex-werewolf, several Codex entries, and Hawke themself. Despite this, the Warden never shows up in-game.
* [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]: The Human Noble's defiant response during their final confrontation with Arl Howe.
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* [[Amnesiac Dissonance]]: Shale is amnesiac and cannot remember much of what life (for a given value of "life") was like previous to Honnleaf. It is possible, through bringing Shale to {{spoiler|The Anvil of the Void to meet Cairdin}}, to unlock some former memories. Learning of of them, {{spoiler|especially that Shale used to be a dwarf}}, has this form of effect.
* [[And I Must Scream]]: Was frozen in place in a village for three decades, was fully aware the entire time, and could do nothing about the abuse and humiliation from people, dogs, and ''especially'' birds. Mostly played for laughs. Played less for laughs was Shale's indeterminate amount of time spent in complete darkness in the Deep Roads before Wilhelm found it.
* [[Another Side, Another Story]]: We will see what became of Shale in the next novel, ''Dragon Age: Asunder''.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type IV on the [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes]].
* [[Arch Enemy]]: Birds, the damnable feathered fiends!
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* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Oh dear, where to start? His father (is implied to have) died before he was born, his mother died giving birth to him (which he seems to blame himself for), and he was raised in a whorehouse. At the age of 7, he was auctioned off to a ruthless assassination syndicate and had to endure severe torture. {{spoiler|He then fell in love with one of his colleagues, who was accused of betraying the Crows, and he was forced to watch as she was killed. He later found out that she was innocent.}}
* [[The Gadfly]]: See [[Likes Older Women]], though that's not the only way he harasses Wynne. He also does it to Leliana, but if hardened she gets to call his bluff on the lecherous behavior at least.
* [[Gallows Humor]]: It's his preferred way of dealing with a bad situation, as you will discover if you interrogate him when you have him at your mercy after his failed attempt to assassinate the party. [[Parental Abandonment|Given]] [[Training Fromfrom Hell|his]] [[Freudian Excuse|backstory]], it's almost certainly another defense mechanism.
* [[Gay Option]]: For a male PC.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Correctly identifies [[The Hero]] in both games, and knows how to appeal to the player to save his life. He approaches The Warden with a bit of a death wish, but later he's very opposed to dying at the Champion's hands.
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* {{spoiler|[[Stepford Smiler]]: His backstory almost makes him [[The Woobie]]; if the PC enters the mage tower with him, his nightmare shows the torture he was made to endure to become an assassin. Aside from that, he allowed the woman he loved to be killed for betraying the Crows while she was professing her innocence and love for him - it turned out later on that she had indeed been innocent. Most of his cheerful perversity is the result of trying to accept his cruel and twisted upbringing.}}
* [[Tattooed Crook]]: Some of the tattoos (like the one on his face) have certain meanings within the Crows organization. Others (such as the ones that he implies are around his...* ahem* ) are just there for decoration.
* [[Training Fromfrom Hell]]: Take him along to the Circle Tower and watch his nightmare. That should give you a general idea.
* [[Token Evil Teammate]]: More pragmatic than outright evil, but yes, this game has ''three'' of them.
* [[Too Kinky to Torture]]: Rebuffs Morrigan's threats of bodily harm with this {{spoiler|but averts it in the Fade, where he briefly becomes [[The Determinator]] in his nightmare.}}
* [[Troubled but Cute]]: An elf with {{spoiler|[[The Casanova|layers]] upon [[Sad Clown|layers]] upon [[Angst? What Angst?|layers]] of defense mechanisms [[Hidden Depths|covering up]] an [[Parental Abandonment|incredibly]] [[Training Fromfrom Hell|traumatic]] [[Heartbroken Badass|past]].}} He goes to great pains to [[Subverted Trope|deny this]] until befriended/romanced deeply enough.
* [[Turncoat]]: Very willingly when the Warden beats him.
* [[Unusual Euphemism]]: When he tells the Warden about how he misses the smell of Antivan leather, the PC can ask if he's using this trope. In a subversion, he bursts out laughing and admits that he may as well be, but isn't (this time).