Dragon Age II/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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** Think you mean Lenin. Lennon probably wouldn't kill all poor people either, but Lenin was the communist.
*** Lennon probably wouldn't kill all of the poor people, that's why he used it in his analogy...
*** Damnit I had hoped no one had noticed that yet so I could fix it without noticing. By the way Chauncy I did mean Lenin its works better as an analogy because they where both [[Well -Intentioned ExtremistsExtremist]]s who honestly believed in their causes.
** I'm still not clear how Anders is redeeming himself for his crime by killing all the mages who had nothing to do with it. I mean, ''he's'' the one that actually caused all of this, he didn't contact anybody in the Circle about it. Sure he did it in their name, but Orsino made it clear that the Circle most certainly did ''not'' approve of this act. I understand that that it would be a gut-wrenching experience for Anders, but it still seems irrational to punish the actual criminal by making him kill people you ''know'' are innocent.
*** By this point, open warfare is raging on the streets of Kirkwall. Mages and Templars are killing each other, and mages are throwing around blood magic. At this point, one side or the other ''has'' to be destroyed to end the conflict. Either the mages or the Templars are going to be routed. Convincing Anders to side against the mages is convincing him to put down the very uprising he forced to happen - effectively forcing him to clean up the very mess he started.
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**** It depends on which gender your Hawke was i've noticed that the female voice does have a bit of an accent.
***** To my ears, both male and female Hawke have the ultra Received Standard thing going on. Since Hawke supposedly grew up as a farm boy/girl in the sticks, this has never made sense to me. It's like a couple of kids from Yorkshire suddenly sounding like BBC announcers.
****** Hawke's mother is an expatriate noblewoman and their father is an apostate who grew up in a Mage Circle. Both of them had first-class educations, and so both of them would quite reasonably have upper-class accents and diction. And thus, so would their children - especially considering that apostates tend not to invite lots of neighbors over for tea.
**** It's not just his/her voice that identifies Hawke as a Fereldan. Many Kirkwallers know Hawke is Fereldan at a glance and Isabela is able to spot it right away based on his appearance. On the other hand, some Fereldan refugees mistake Hawke for a Kirkwaller based on the way he's dressed.
**** Somebody with some knowledge of linguistics will have to give me an example of how Fereldans talk differently than native Kirkwallers because I just can't hear the difference.
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** Or because Hawke ''has'' a mabari. Accents and stylistic choices aside, the gigantic dog is a pretty clear giveaway.
** Fereldans are regarded as stubborn and determined by Free-Marchers, something which Hawke is in abundance, as well as having the look of someone unafraid to knuckle down and get their hands dirty when dealing with a challenge. There is a reason why Ferelden managed to defeat a Blight in less than a year, not to mention why Hawke never ran for the hills when the Qunari invaded or when Meredith went completely insane.
** Remember that while Leandra Hawke was born in Kirkwall, Malcom Hawke was a native Fereldan. Ethnically, the Hawke children are half-and-half... which explains why they look like Kirkwallers to the Fereldan refugees, but look like Fereldan refugees to native Kirkwallers.
== Where does Rock Armor come from? ==
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*** It's pretty clear that he wants to turn in Merrill and Anders but he doesn't think it's worth aggravating Hawke.
** By the time Sebastian joins the party permanently, he's likely heard of all the good work Hawke has done and Hawke did help him with his own personal quest regarding his family. In addition, Hawke is a respected noble and a friend to Sebastian. And at the end of the day, Sebastian's a good guy who doesn't mind helping his friends. I'm reminded of an optional bit of banter in the third act if Merrill is romanced, where Aveline asks her why she's sticking around when all these issues don't concern her, and her reply is that she loves Hawke, which is all she needs. It's kind of the same way with Sebastian - he is Hawke's friend. That is ''all'' the reason Sebastian needs.
*** The do-we-turn-them-in conversation with Fenris sums this up, albeit from Fenris' side. Fenris makes it clear that he doesn't like Merrill or Anders, but Hawke trusts them and Fenris trusts Hawke. To turn on them is to turn on Hawke and that's a line neither man will cross. See also Jayne with regards to Simon and River and Mal in [[Firefly (TV series)|Firefly]].
** There's also the thing where hardly anyone in Kirkwall ever seems to notice that mage Hawke is an apostate, starting with them casting spells in the middle of the freaking Gallows.
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Am I the only one who's a little unclear as to Corypheus' implied [[Grand Theft Me]] trick? The point of the wardens is that that trick, when used by archdemons, doesn't work on them. An archdemon soul transferred to a warden body kills them both; how's Cory able to walk around wearing a warden meat-suit?
* Because he's not an Archdemon.
** And a number of other things--he's no Archdemon, he has ancient Tevinter magic, and he's one of the only living beings who entered the Fade in physical form. The man has directly laid his own two eyes ''on the throne of God Almighty himself''. There's really no telling what he's capable of.
* My personal theory is that he performed a soul swap and put Janeka/Larius's soul in his body at the same time that he put his own soul in their body. This prevents two souls from inhabiting a single body at the same time and destroying each other like when a Grey Warden slays the Archdemon.
* Alternately, the reason that Archdemons die when stuffed into Grey Wardens is because Old God souls don't do well in human bodies barring very special circumstances (like an infant specifically set up to host one). Since Corypheus' soul was originally a human being's, it obviously suffers no compatibility problems when downloaded into a human body.
== Qunari mages in Mark of the assassin ==
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** They break their own laws because [[Might Makes Right]] and there's no one around to actually prevent them from doing so. The Kirkwall chantry basically works on the honor system with Templars, trusting them to behave responsibly.
*** The Sebastian DLC shows that eventually a Chantry senior agent (Leliana, in fact) is sent to investigate reports of abuse in the Kirkwall Circle. Unfortunately by that point things are already far enough down the slippery slide to hell and so there's enough blood magic oozing all around for Meredith to make the plausible (bullshit, but plausible) claim that while her recent actions might be epically harsh they are a necessary reaction to an imminent crisis situation and a desperate attempt to avoid having to call down a Right of Annulment later after shit hits critical mass, as opposed to being 'no, we've been doing this all along for the lolz' and 'the voices in my head told me this was a good idea'. Thus reassured, Leliana's report to the Divine is 'wait and see' rather than 'immediate intervention required'. Shortly after this, the Chantry explodes.
**** Confirmed in DA:I - one of Leliana's dialogue options is her expressing regret that when she was sent to evaluate the situation in Kirkwall shortly before things hit critical mass, she believed Meredith's explanation and made the wrong call.