Dragon Quest VI/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Terry is also one. Some people find him to be a compelling, [[Badass]] character with some of the best lines in the game, while others find him to be an obnoxious [[Jerkass]] with no redeeming qualities. Combat-wise he's either a versatile fighter who functions like having a second hero in battle, or an absolutely worthless character who adds nothing to the team that others can't do better? The fact that both these characters are popular for [[Shipping]] doesn't help matters.
* [[Complete Monster]] - If it weren't for [[Dragon Quest V|Ladja]] and [[Dragon Quest VIII|Rhapthorne]], Mortamor would most definitely be the single most vile villain in the series. His [[The Dragon|dragon]] Blackmar is just as vile.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Dhuran appears to be the most popular member of the Dread Fiends by quite a bit. Being a [[Noble Demon]] and not bad looking certainly help.
** Due to his rather unique character and circumstance, even among the rest of the party, Amos is this for some, at least the some who bother giving him the time of day, that is.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]] - Mortamor proves just how depraved he is by {{spoiler|manipulating a town full of innocent people into slaughtering each other over a ''single'' chest [[For the Evulz|just for kicks]]. And then time reverses itself and it happens over and over again...}}
** {{spoiler|An empty chest, no less. Nobody ever figures it out until the player gets sneaky and opens the chest themselves while the townspeople are all distracted.}}