Dragon Quest VII/Characters: Difference between revisions

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A citizen turned makeshift warrior by necessity, Hank was recently gravely injured while defending the village. Despite this, he remains determined to defeat the leader of the monsters and save their kidnapped loved ones at ''any'' cost.
* [[Guest Star Party Member]]: Is massively more powerful then the party, but moves ponderously, taking a break every other turn.
* [[Shoot the Dog]]: {{spoiler|Is willing to deliver the final blow to the monstrous Matilda in order to save his town despite his own feelings on the matter}}.
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The richest man in town, and Iwan's father. Extremely proud of his impressive garden, rather less so of his son. Still, he wants what's best for him, and hopes that marrying Linda will help along Iwan's development into a more mature, worthier heir. {{spoiler|It doesn't work}}.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: Even if reading the above profiles makes you doubt this.
== [[Chekhov's Gunman|The Deja Tribe]] ==
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* [[Clingy Jealous Girl|Clingy Jealous Guy]]
* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: Immediately becomes jealous of Kiefer because {{spoiler|unlike him, Kiefer can carry on a relationship with Layla without having to worry about his secret being uncovered}}.
* [[Jerkass]]: Primarily towards Kiefer.
=== Baretta ===
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* [[Damsel in Distress]]: A somewhat unusual variant, in that {{spoiler|1=she becomes a Distressed Damsel by having her soul sucked into a SoulSword... which the monsters then give to her and have her slaughter others with. Meaning that to save this Damsel, you have to beat the tar out of her first}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Dark Action Girl]]}}
* [[Hair of Gold]]: Sweet, gentle [[Ill Girl]] with golden hair.
* {{spoiler|1=[[Hoist by His Own Petard|Hoist by Her Own Petard]]: Saved from her soul-shattered state by the heroes beating her until she drops the SoulSword -- which just happens to have her ''own'' soul inside of it -- and then being stabbed with it, allowing it to return to her body}}.
* [[Ill Girl]]
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Neris' overprotective young brother.
* [[Big Brother Instinct|Little Brother Instinct]]
* {{spoiler|[[But Now I Must Go]]: After Dharma Temple is saved, he chooses to leave his sister behind, asking Kasim to protect her in his stead}}.
* {{spoiler|1=[[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: Has his soul sucked into a SoulSword, then is set against the party while wielding that same sword... which Kasim turns to their advantage by disarming and stabbing him with it}}.
* [[Big Brother Instinct|Little Brother Instinct]]
* [[My Sister Is Off-Limits]]
* {{spoiler|1=[[Taking the Bullet|Taking the Blade]]: Shoves Neris out of the way of a SoulSword and takes the hit himself}}.
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* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]]
* [[Hopeless Boss Fight]]: The first of two during this part in the game.
* {{spoiler|[[Mayor of a Ghost Town]]: After Dharma Shrine is saved, remains in the evacuated penal colony, ruefully recognizing that he will probably never have that kind of power and respect again}}.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: While he and his flunkies clearly enjoy being in charge, he also put this system into place to try and keep anyone from [[Deal with the Devil|accepting the monsters' offer]]. Kind of hard to {{spoiler|murder five people and steal their souls}} when you've got the thuggish leader and his goons breathing down your neck, after all.
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Two powerful monsters charged with guarding the penal colony and keeping any of their captives from escaping. Take a lot of cruel pride in their handiwork.
* [[Hopeless Boss Fight]]: First time around.
* {{spoiler|[[Powers as Programs]]: Have grown incredibly strong by siphoning energy off of the powers stolen from their victims. High Priest Fosse puts a stop to this long enough for you to slay them}}.
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]: It's implied that they were assigned to guard priestess Jacqueline, and they were serving directly under the Cardinal Sin.
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]
=== High Priest Fosse ===
The priestess of Dharma Shrine, who was captured and sealed away by the monsters when they took over. Despite her youth and the desperateness of the current situation, is actually very powerful.
* [[Child Mage|Child Priestess]]
* [[Guest Star Party Member]]: Fourth and final party member during the Alltrades Abbey quest.
* [[Holy Hand Grenade]]
* [[It's All My Fault]]: Blames herself for not being strong enough to stop the monsters.
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Head of the monsters plaguing Dharma Shrine, and has been twisting the temple to his own ends.
* [[Fake King|Fake Priest]]
* {{spoiler|[[Released to Elsewhere]]: Turns out that those who win their freedom by [[Deal with the Devil|complying with the monsters' every whim]] are 'freed' by being slain}}.
* [[Smug Snake]]
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Pendragon's elderly mother, who disapproves of her son's methods and his over-reliance on the BlissRock.
* [[Calling the Old Man Out|Calling the Old Woman Out]]
* [[Cool Old Lady]]
* [[Inadequate Inheritor]]: How she views her son, much to her displeasure.
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* [[As Long as There Is Evil]]: {{spoiler|"Even if my body is destroyed, my soul will live on forever!"}}
* [[Big Bad]]: Of the overarching plot.
* {{spoiler|[[Disc One Final Boss]] ''and'' /[[Final Boss]]}}
* [[One-Winged Angel]]: {{spoiler|''Three'' of them}}.
** [[Bishonen Line]]: {{spoiler|He pulls this the second time you fight him, going from his [[One-Winged Angel]] form to his normal form before changing into a hybrid of the two forms, and then into something altogether nasty}}.
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