Dragon Quest VIII/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Just how much influence the Scepter has over its wielders isn't explicitly established, leading to some speculation on how much of the original personality remains intact.
* [[Complete Monster]] - Rhapthorne not only gleefully murdered the descendants of the Seven Sages, but he forced Marta to surrender herself to him by threatening the life of her son, ordered Gemon to murder Empyrea's unborn child, transformed Trodain's citizens into immobile plant people.
* [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] - Say "no" in the [[But Thou Must!]] moment during the ending.
** The reactions of Yangus and Angelo to {{spoiler|King Trode's true form in the endings.}}
** Trying to trade Medea to a NPC in Empycchu.
** The bar fight when you first meet Angelo deserves some acknowledgment.
** Yangus' "Golden Oldies" super attack definitely deserves mention. Calling out to King Trode (whom he refers to as "Grandad"), who then rallies a band of Elderly NPCs to charge your enemies.
** Using a Chimaera Wing or Zoom spell while indoors.
** Angelo's little tidbit when the party must go to Red to retrieve Medea. "So we're off to the bandit woman's house...Urgh! I just had this image of Yangus dressed up as a woman! Merciful Goddess! Purge this frightful vision from my tortured mind!"
** The scene in Purgatory Island in which {{spoiler|High Priest Rolo and the party devise a ruse to escape. The whole ruse is complete with purposefully [[Bad Bad Acting|stilted melodramatic acting]] and Yangus' dancing.}}
** Don Mole. From the [[But Thou Must!|But Thou Must Not]] loops of "Can I hit ya one more time?" and the beleaguered looks on his underlings' faces to spoony James Brown speech to the mole that's knocked out from the music but still standing. When you fight him, his music is bad enough to not only daze and confuse your party, but is allies as well.
** In the Cash/Carrie sidequest, when you're rudely awakened by Cash/Carrie (depends on who are you helping).
** Also the first quest has this when Yangus asks Kalderasha what else did he see in the ball. And Kalderasha notices the scratch and something written near it by Geyzer...
** Another [[But Thou Must!]] moment: try refusing Morrie's offer of a monster party, and he'll just YELL at you in [[Gratuitous Italian]], asking you straight up if you're an imbecil.
* [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] - {{spoiler|the hero marrying Medea in the true ending.}}
** A second one showed that when {{spoiler|despite Marcello hating Angelo's ''guts'', Angelo ''still'' saves his life all for those few moments of kindness.}}