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{{quote|''"This is why so many heroes and villains wear such long clothing. Because it looks ''friggin' awesome'' when it's blowing in the wind."''|''[[The Nostalgia Critic (Web Video)|The Nostalgia Critic]]''}}
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A [[Super Trope]] to [[Hot Wind]].
=== Straight Examples ===
=== Advertising ===
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gPcVG-dx8Y This] old Dairy Queen commercial, featuring none other than Fabio.
=== Anime & Manga ===
==== General ====
* Done often in [[Magical Girl]] series when spells are cast, [[Mons|monsters]] are summoned, etc.
==== Specific ====
* A side effect of using any level of spirit power in ''[[Bleach]]'' seems to be to summon a small gale to [[Battle Aura|surround the fighters]].
* ''[[Captain Harlock]]'', both his hair and his cape, seemingly flare out at will.
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=== Comics ===
* [[Doctor Strange]]'s Cloak of Levitation is in near-constant billow -- justified since it's 1) magic and 2) associated with flight. When he stopped wearing it he adopted a [[Badass Longcoat]] look, then a housecoat with tails, just to keep the effect.
=== FilmFan Works ===
* In ''[[Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (Animation)|Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers]]'' fanfiction "[[Under the Bridge (Fanfic)|Under the Bridge]]", [[Byronic Hero]] Widget waited to go on deck until the (surfaced) submarine was going the right velocity to cause her cape to flap in the wind.
* In [[Dragon Age the Crown of Thorns]], Alim Surana, the [[Badass Longcoat]]-wearing mage, sometimes generates his own wind, like when he {{spoiler|destroys the rock wall Branka had collapsed over the tunnel they came through}} and {{spoiler|during the whole succession mess in Orzammar, when he prevented the bloodbath and stood in the middle of the assembly room, adding some [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]] and a [[Battle Aura]] for intimidation purposes}}.
=== Film ===
==== General ====
* In any [[Western]] movie [[The Gunslinger|gunslinger]] [[Duel to The Death|face-off]], will be accompanied by a [[Hitler Cam|worms-eye view]] of tumbling tumbleweeds.
=== Specific ===
* In the Hindi movie ''Kabhi Khushi, Kabhi Gham'', houses are incredibly drafty: even a small apartment seems to have high-powered fans running constantly off screen. And once the music numbers start, every conceivable thing (hair, clothes, paper, curtains, etc.) begins roiling like a poorly-built suspension bridge. Fortunately, the look is [[Rule of Cool|too awesome]] to annoy the audience.
* In ''[[The Mummy 1999 (Film)|The Mummy 1999]]'', nearly every important discovery about Imhotep is accompanied by an omnious gust of wind. This is later [[Lampshade Hanging|given a lampshade]] when, just before the book that will release Imhotep upon the world is opened, a gust of wind blows -- and one of the characters, unsettled, remarks that it does that a ''lot'' around there.
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=== Music ===
* The [[Eurovision Song Contest]] is rife with [[Dramatic Wind]]. One example is Swedish Carola, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKUGgK7R6EA Queen of the Wind Machine].
=== Tabletop Games ===
* ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'' has a magical item called the Cloak of Billowing, whose sole property is that, yes, it billows ominously in a nonexistent wind.
** DND also has a Weapon of Legacy called the Desert Wind. When the wielder grasps the hilt, it summons a gust of warm, dry [[Dramatic Wind]] for him and him alone.
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=== Video Games ===
* Proto Man from the ''[[Mega Man (Video Game)|Mega Man]]'' series of games is a repeat offender. His long scarf would rustle in the wind even if he was standing inside a building with no visible means of ventilation. The effect was done mostly to make him look cooler then he already was.
** This was noted in the ''Mega Man'' parody webcomic ''[[Bob and George]]'', in which the titular Bob (a Protoman recolor) asks Protoman how their scarves blow around when there's no wind. Protoman replies, [[Rule of Cool|"We're just that cool."]]
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=== Webcomics ===
* ''[[El Goonish Shive (Webcomic)|El Goonish Shive]]'' used this for Susan and [[Lampshaded]] in various places (e.g., "[http://www.egscomics.com/?date=2002-11-07 Badass Hair In The Wind effect with no wind is your friend]"), and even has a Q&A episode featuring "[http://www.egscomics.com/?date=2006-10-25 hair manipulation fairies]". Of course now that Susan's magical [http://www.egscomics.com/?date=2010-05-21 talent] is mostly revealed, it's a bit more iffy...
* At the execution scene in ''[[Goblins (Webcomic)|Goblins]]'', a pretty strong wind blows.
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=== Web Original ===
* An awesome example of [[Real Life Writes the Plot]] in ''[[Suburban Knights]]''. While the Chicago weather nearly forced the reviewers to stop filming entirely, the constant wind of the Windy City made some scenes (especially the final battle) seem even more epic.
=== Western Animation ===
* [[Overly Long Gag|Overdone]] in the ninja-themed ''Shuriken School''.
* Used occasionally in ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender (Animation)|Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'', but justified in that most of the time it happens quite high in the air, where things are naturally breezier. For instance, in the [[Grand Finale]], {{spoiler|Aang and Ozai's clothes ripple in the breeze as they prepare for battle perhaps a hundred feet above the ground.}}
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=== Fanfiction[[Real Life]] ===
* In ''[[Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (Animation)|Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers]]'' fanfiction "[[Under the Bridge (Fanfic)|Under the Bridge]]", [[Byronic Hero]] Widget waited to go on deck until the (surfaced) submarine was going the right velocity to cause her cape to flap in the wind.
* In [[Dragon Age the Crown of Thorns]], Alim Surana, the [[Badass Longcoat]]-wearing mage, sometimes generates his own wind, like when he {{spoiler|destroys the rock wall Branka had collapsed over the tunnel they came through}} and {{spoiler|during the whole succession mess in Orzammar, when he prevented the bloodbath and stood in the middle of the assembly room, adding some [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]] and a [[Battle Aura]] for intimidation purposes}}.
== [[Real Life]] ==
* During the Hong Kong handover ceremony and the 2008 Olympics opening and closing ceremonies, China had powerful fans blowing on their flag(s) to ensure that they flapped straight out with pride.
* The funeral service for Pope John Paul II.
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=== Non-Straight Examples ===
=== Non-Straight Examples ===
=== Advertising ===
* Parodied in [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocgSiAVb7nY this commercial for a Dutch energy company], which shows a dramatic wind following illusionist [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Klok Hans Klok] wherever he goes. The company tries to harness the wind energy, but the contract keeps blowing out the window before Klok can sign it.
=== Anime & Manga ===
* In the [[Manhwa]] ''[[Demon Diary]]'', this trope is lampshaded when Raenef comments that Demon Lord Krayon's cape is blowing when there's no wind. The wind then dies down and the Demon Lord admits to commanding wind spirits to create the wind for dramatic effect.
* Parodied in ''[[Excel Saga (Anime)|Excel Saga]]'' when Pedro faces off against Gomez: the wind blows a tumbleweed past... then three tumbleweeds... then a small army of them.
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=== FanfictionFan Works ===
* Parodied in ''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5184649/2/Neon_Toppa_EVA_Lagann Neon Toppa EVA Lagann]'', where after a hospital-gown clad Kamina makes an absurd speech, "The wind from the open window suddenly picked up, blowing the hem of his hospital gown dramatically. Unfortunately the garment was then blown upward, revealing?well?the reason why his backside was feeling drafty, and making several spectators feel terribly inadequate."
* ''[[Those Lacking Spines (Fanfic)|Those Lacking Spines]]'' lampshades this when descending from a height: 'One improbable slow-falling swooshy-coat and hair dramatic landing on their feet later, our heroes found themselves deep in the basement of the Second Darkest Tower.
=== Film ===
* Spoofed (as you might expect) in the poster for the 2008 version of ''[[Get Smart (Film)|Get Smart]]'': a dramatic wind is blowing, but all it's serving to do is (a) blow one character's tie in front of another one's face (b) blow the female lead's hair in the face of the third character and (c) force the third character to hold his gun in a [[Pistol Pose]] which blocks out the fourth character's face.
=== Literature ===
* Parodied in Terry Pratchett's ''[[Discworld]]'' book ''A Hat Full of Sky'', where a young witch purchases an expensive cloak designed to blow and flutter dramatically in even the lightest of breezes.
** Pratchett also did something similar in his pre-Discworld novel ''Strata''. A character's cape is mentioned as having small electrical charges pulsed through it every few seconds, keeping it in a state of permanent dramatic flutter.
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=== Tabletop Games ===
* Parodied (of course) in ''Paranoia'', where antagonist Botman employs strategically placed fans (not to mention an entire special effects crew) in an attempt to look impressive.
* ''[[Mutants and Masterminds]]'' has a section on 1-point powers called Features, one of which is [[Dramatic Wind]] on command.
=== Video Games ===
* Illustrated and parodied at the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vq-TNllpIfg#t=01m55s end of the trailer] for the new ''[[Ace Attorney (Visual Novel)|Ace Attorney]]'' game (starring Edgeworth).
* Parodied in the quest "Minimum Safe Distance" in ''[[Billy vs. SNAKEMAN]]'', when one character holds a fan up to another character who is making a dramatic speech.
=== Web Animation ===
* Parodied on the web cartoon ''[[Homestar Runner]]''; Strong Bad's alter ego Stinko Man is an anime/''[[Mega Man (Video Game)|Mega Man]]''-styled character with blue hair that is always blowing in a nonexistent wind.
** Another of Strong Bad's personas, First Lieuteneral [[Recycled in Space|Space Captainface]], also gets a nice breeze whenever he appears. When appearing in person as Space Captainface, Strong Bad goes so far as to bring a fan with him, as seen in Career Day.
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=== Webcomics ===
* Parodied in ''[[Tsunami Channel]]'''s ''Experimental Comic Kotone'', where the characters play with it to make [http://www.tsunamichannel.com/index.php?date=2002-01-10&comic=ExCoKo wind blow inside buildings] and [http://www.tsunamichannel.com/index.php?date=2002-01-11&comic=ExCoKo lighting strike without clouds]
* ''[[The Adventures of Dr. McNinja (Webcomic)|The Adventures of Dr. McNinja]]'' lampshades this in the Punch Dracula arc. A politician (who is secretly a ghost wizard) has a dude set up fans behind some flags, so the wave in the wind during his speech. [[Rule of Cool|These fans are used against him to make a tidal wave, where he is picked up in a submarine, where he promptly gets the undead shit beat out him by the McNinjas and Gordito.]]
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=== Western Animation ===
* Invoked in ''[[Futurama]]'' when Zapp Brannigan is giving his dramatic speech to the DOOP tribunal,
{{quote| '''Zapp Brannigan''':Kiff, hold up that flag for me... and wave it a little for God sake.}}